
*By Christian Cella

Betting on innovation can be the driving force for any market. The healthcare segment is no exception to this rule and follows this movement with the implementation of solutions that allow significant advances to strengthen the digital transformation in healthcare. In fact, according to data from the 2023 IT Priorities Study, from TechTarget 41% of global healthcare organizations increased their technology investments in 2023.

The research reinforces the sector's need to rely on intelligent tools that provide more efficient, agile and quality service. In this sense, as innovation gains space, professionals need to be equipped and prepared with reliable information to make the best use of the multiple benefits resulting from digitalization in healthcare.

Therefore, amid the current scenario in which more and more companies and people, whether in the personal or professional environment, use technologies to assist with tasks or consult any type of information, it is necessary for healthcare professionals to have access to advanced solutions. and that contain evidence-based information, such as clinical decision support (CDS).

To have a clearer view of the applications related to this solution, imagine that the doctor is eventually faced with an unprecedented situation that raises doubts about how to continue with the care. At these times, relying on the help of colleagues, textbooks, journals or outdated software can be risky not only for patient safety, but also for the reputation of the doctor and the institution.

On the other hand, with information based on evidence and updated by the most respected experts in the world, the professional will be able to resolve any questions and, thus, indicate accurate diagnoses and medication prescriptions, as well as request exams more quickly, protecting the patient and eliminating unnecessary costs. for healthcare operators.

Dealing with the shortage of professionals and burnout in healthcare

The shortage and clinical burnout of professionals are also important issues that the sector has faced in recent years. According to the survey Doctor's Mental Health, carried out by Afya Research Center, 62% of Brazilian doctors have already experienced Burnout Syndrome during their careers.

Furthermore, a survey by the World Health Organization (WHO) and released by Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) indicates that, by 2030, a deficit of 600 thousand health professionals is expected in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). The impact of these two scenarios on the health system is worrying, mainly due to the possibility of overloading organizations.

This can lead to numerous service failures, such as prescription errors, surgical complications, as well as wasted resources. And, faced with this challenge, the use of cutting-edge technologies becomes even more essential in hospital routine, as it leads to more efficient and simplified workflows.

In theory, the segment still faces several barriers related to improving services. However, in synergy with the advancement of digital transformation in healthcare, the sector is promisingly moving towards significant changes that improve the care journey and guarantee the necessary security for patients and professionals in the area.

*Christian Cella is vice-president, for the international market, of the Clinical Effectiveness unit of the Wolters Kluwer Health

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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