
On Monday, 22/01, at Palácio do Planalto – during the launch of the New Industrial Policy (during a meeting of the National Council for Industrial Development – CNDI) – 11 public calls for the Finep Mais Innovation Program were launched carried out by Finep itself in partnership with the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, 10 of which are Economic Subsidies (non-refundable resources for companies) and one is non-refundable resources for ICTs in the health complex. The total value is R$ 2.18 billion. President Lula, the vice-president and minister of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services (MDIC), Geraldo Alckmin, the minister of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI), Luciana Santos, the president of Finep, Celso Pansera, the president from BNDES, Aloizio Mercadante, among other authorities, were present. check out all open calls.

“A Brazil that advances through industry. This is the challenge we have and I want to get it off the ground, delivering well-being to people, a strong economy, global protagonism”, stated Lula.

Finep Mais Inovação is part of the largest innovation program in history, with R$ 66 billion for the next four years in different modalities (Refundable and Non-refundable) – and part of the R$ 300 billion from Nova Indústria Brasil. Finep will provide R$ 41 billion of this amount and BNDES will provide the remainder.

“We will deliver productivity to our economy, via neo-industrialization. With sustainable foundations, here we have a strong industry at the center of the country's development strategy”, said Alckmin.

So far, in Finep's financing instruments (Non-refundable for ICT, Route 2030, Economic Subsidy, Direct Credit and Indirect Credit), the company has already contracted almost R$ 6 billion in Finep Mais Inovação projects, all linked to CNDI missions, also the focus of recently published calls.

They are: Sustainable and digital agro-industrial chains for food, nutritional and energy security; Resilient health-industrial economic complex to reduce SUS vulnerabilities and expand access to health; Sustainable infrastructure, sanitation, housing and mobility for productive integration and well-being in cities; Digital transformation of the industry to increase productivity; Bioeconomy, decarbonization, and energy transition and security to guarantee resources for future generations; Technologies of interest to national sovereignty and defense.

In order to facilitate and speed up the process, calls will be operated in a continuous flow, remaining open for submission of proposals until the available budget is fully committed. The resources come from the FNDCT and the companies' contribution to the projects is mandatory and varies depending on the size.

The definition of the priority themes of the set of notices that inaugurates the application of resources had the support of hundreds of experts, analysts from Finep and MCTI, as well as technicians from institutions such as BNDES, CNI, and ministries such as MDIC, MCTI, Health, Communications, Mines and Energy, Management, Agriculture, Defense, among others. Sector ministries and BNDES will be technical partners in the calls.

Below are details of the calls:

MISSION: Sustainable and digital agro-industrial chains for food, nutritional and energy security


Available Value: R$ 280 million (economic grant – Non-refundable for companies)

• Support for projects in the following thematic lines: i) P, D&I to guarantee food security for the Brazilian population and ii) Sustainability of Brazilian agribusiness.


MISSION: Resilient health-industrial economic complex to reduce SUS vulnerabilities and expand access to health

Finep More Innovation HEALTH – COMPANIES

Available Value: R$ 250 million (economic grant – Non-refundable for companies)

• Support for projects in the following thematic lines: i) Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Projects for the development of innovative APIs (green, chemical or biological) or improvement of existing APIs will be supported; ii) Biological Products with high impact on the SUS; iii) Clinical Research for innovation in the country; iv) Priority products defined by the PDPs and the Local Development and Innovation Program.


Finep Mais Innovation – Health for ICT's research, development and innovation

Amount available: R$250 million (Non-refundable to Research Institutions)

• Support for projects to develop innovative IFAs, or strategic IFAs for the SUS, advanced therapies that present the development of technological platforms that generate strategic products for the SUS, in addition to Research and Development of Products and Therapies with high impact for the SUS.


MISSION: Sustainable infrastructure, sanitation, housing and mobility for productive integration and well-being in cities:


Available Value: R$ 150 million (economic grant – Non-refundable for companies)

• Support for projects in the following thematic lines: i) Transport Decarbonization Technologies and ii) Green and Intelligent Mobility.

Finep More Innovation – AIR MOBILITY

Available Value: R$ 120 million (economic grant – Non-refundable for companies)

• Support for projects related to the theme “Technologies for More Sustainable Aviation”, such as: systems for autonomous flight and flight safety; more efficient energy storage systems that preferably encourage the use of fuels and strategic minerals in the country, among others.


Available Value: R$ 80 million (economic grant – Non-refundable for companies)

• Support for projects in the following thematic lines: i) Circular Economy; ii) Waste

Solids; iii) Biogas and Biomethane; iv) Urban Mining; v) Water and Sewage and vi) Popular Housing.


MISSION: Digital transformation of the industry to increase productivity.

Finep More Innovation – Semiconductors

Available Value: R$ 100 million (economic grant – non-refundable for companies)

• Support for the design, semiconductor manufacturing (front-end) and encapsulation and testing (back-end) segments in order to expand the participation of the national semiconductor industry in relation to the global one.

Finep More Innovation – Digital Technologies

Available Value: R$ 170 million (economic grant – non-refundable for companies)

• Support for projects on the following themes: i) Generative Artificial Intelligence; ii)

Advanced Robotics; iii) Quantum Technologies; and iv) Advanced Communications.


MISSION: Bioeconomy, decarbonization, and energy transition and security to guarantee resources for future generations:

Finep More Innovation – Renewable Energy

Available Value: R$ 250 million (economic grant – non-refundable for companies)

• Support for projects on the following themes: i) technologies for generating energy from sustainable sources; ii) low-carbon hydrogen; iii) energy storage technologies; iv) energy transmission and security and resilience of the National Interconnected System; v) capture, storage and/or use of CO2.

Finep More Innovation – Bioeconomy

Amount available: R$250 million (economic grant – Non-refundable for companies)

• Support for projects on the following themes: Development of processes with biotechnology and/or applied chemical conversion for the generation and processing of biomass for biofuels, Development or adaptation of pilot plants and/or demonstrations of production processes for sustainable fuels, biodiesel, green diesel , SAFs, marine fuels, and synthetic fuels and technological development for the production of chemicals from renewable sources


NOTE: Calls related to Infrastructure and Bioeconomy missions focus on the energy transition and total R$850 million in non-refundable resources, 40% of the resources made available.


MISSION: Technologies of interest to national sovereignty and defense.


Available Value: R$ 280 million (economic grant – Non-refundable for companies)

• Support in structuring projects, in the following subtopics: i) M200 Multimission Radar; ii) Take-off rocket for hypersonic vehicle (Rocket Assisted Take-Off – RATO- 14X); iii) Development of the process for obtaining Uranium Hexafluoride gas.

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