
Developed by a multidisciplinary team made up of Brazilians and Mexicans, the solution seeks to support Brazilian industry in its digital transformation

Infor, a leading company in specialized business software by industry, announces Infor Prebuilt, a new cloud-based ERP solution. According to data from the National Confederation of Industry (CNI), 31% of Brazilian companies still do not use any digital platform, a market worth R$ 720 billion that Infor intends to serve with the new solution. Developed by a multidisciplinary team made up of Brazilians and Mexicans, it is also being launched in Mexico and there are already plans to expand to other locations where the company operates.

According to the Global Innovation Index 2022, published in Brazil by CNI and which measures the performance of the innovation ecosystems of 132 economies, Brazil occupies 54th position in the global ranking and 2nd in Latin America, behind Chile. Last year, the industry represented around 24% of GDP (R$ 2.4 trillion) and was responsible for 66.4% of investments Brazilians in research and development, that is, Brazilian competitiveness in innovation is directly linked to the industry's capacity to innovate.

Photo: Monica Andrade

According to Waldir Bertolino, Country Manager at Infor in Brazil, “on average, adopting a cloud ERP can increase the efficiency of a factory from 5 to 25%. Considering that a third of industries do not have any digital technology, it is easy to imagine an impact of billions of reais with the advancement of digitalization in the sector.”

Contrary to the ERP market, which traditionally offers customized solutions – with high investment, long implementation times and unpredictable future expenses – Infor Prebuilt comes pre-configured with the best management practices. The solution comes to fill a gap left by the competition, as it meets the specific needs of the industry that produces low-customization products on a large scale (make-to-stock in its English term), and that face common challenges such as demand predictability, management of stock levels, standardization and automation of processes, cost control and flexibility to adapt to market changes.

“Cloud ERP is at the origin of Infor, just as specialized software by industry is in the company’s DNA, and Infor Prebuilt carries these values in its proposal. We are offering a cutting-edge, right-sized solution to help highly inventory management-oriented manufacturers boost their business,” highlights Bertolino.

The solution is supported Infor Cloudsuite Industrial Enterprise (CSIE) – considered a leader by Gartner, and with the quality seal of one of the largest cloud providers on the market, Amazon Web Services (AWS). The new cloud ERP has around 400 categories of pre-configured data, from local requirements, such as more than 11 thousand standards and tax codes, to more standardized data regarding planning scenarios and working time schedules. The mechanism promises to deliver value to industry customers in four months.

Brazil tries to leave the rear of innovation

The launch of Infor Prebuilt comes at a time of intense transformation in the Brazilian market, in which the digitalization of processes, with the cloud as the protagonist in this context, forces companies from different sectors to reinvent their business to remain competitive. This scenario is proven by the IDC consultancy, which predicts a growth of 5% in the information and communications technology (ICT) market in 2023. 

“Understanding the consumer behavior profile and anticipating demand is the key to obtaining better results in challenging scenarios. Having an intelligent management solution has stopped being seen as a cost in recent years and has become a strategic asset for the industry and Infor Prebuilt meets this objective”, said Bertolino, who is one of the leaders in the design of the company's new product. .

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