
This Wednesday (14/12), the National Congress rejected the veto of the President of the Republic, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, on the bill that extends the payroll tax exemption for 17 sectors of the economy. The text, which had been vetoed in its entirety, will now be promulgated as law.

The benefit would end on December 31, 2023 and will be extended until December 31, 2027, as provided for in Bill 334/23. The exemption from tax relief in the private sector is estimated by the Ministry of Finance at around R$ 9.4 billion.

In the Federal Senate, there were 60 votes to reject the veto and 13 in favor. In the Chamber of Deputies, there were 78 votes in favor of the veto and 378 for its rejection.

ABES was engaged in the Brazil Exoneration Movement, together with entities representing the 17 economic sectors covered by Folha's Exoneration, dialoguing with parliamentarians and society about the importance of approving Bill 334/23. In force since 2011, the exemption allows companies to pay rates of 1% to 4.5% on gross revenue instead of 20% of INSS on employees' payroll under the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT).

“The veto would harm sectors that employ more than 9 million workers. The exemption is not a tax waiver. It is an exchange of tax base for calculating the taxes that will be collected by a company. We celebrate the overturn of the veto and hope that this decision will provide legal certainty for technology companies and other sectors to plan their activities for 2024”, highlights Paulo Milliet Roque, president of ABES.

Press conference on the exemption

The Director of Government Relations at ABES, Marcelo Almeida, participated, on the afternoon of 12/13, in a press conference that dealt with the bill for the payroll tax exemption, held at the National Congress, which was led by senators Efraim Filho ( União/PB) and Ângelo Coronel (PSD/BA), and by federal deputy Any Ortiz (Cidadania/RS). The event was attended by other parliamentarians and other representatives of the 17 sectors covered by the project and had wide coverage in the media.  

Watch the press conference on link.

Source: Câmara de Notícias Agency and ABES Portal

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