
With the objective of strengthening the culture of protection of personal data in Brazil, ABES will promote the new group of General Data Protection Law Training: Introduction and Best Practices. This training, which will take place on November 24, 2023, from 8 am to 12 pm, will be held online and live, ensuring a practical and interactive experience for participants.

With a workload of 4 hours and completely free, the training will enable representatives and employees of associated companies to understand the principles established by the LGPD (Law 13,709/18) and the impacts of this legislation on day-to-day activities. In addition, security measures and good practices will be addressed to ensure compliance with the law.

All organizations, whether public or private, need to adopt our practices and mobilize their staff according to the guidelines of the General Data Protection Law (LGPD). This legislation was created with the aim of guaranteeing the privacy and security of individuals' personal information and defining responsibilities for companies that handle this data. Team awareness and engagement are fundamental in this process, as each member must understand their responsibility in protecting data and act in accordance with established policies”, highlights Thomaz Côrte Real, ABES Legal Consultant and Training coordinator.

When participating in this training, the person will receive a certificate that proves their training in this important topic. The LGPD was enacted in 2018 and came into force in September 2020. Since then, companies have struggled to adapt to its requirements and guidelines.

Do not miss this opportunity! Make your team aware of the importance of protecting personal data and encourage changes in your company's processes.

Guarantee your free registration now!


Event: Training on LGPD: Introduction and Good Practices

Date: November 24, 2023

Hour: 08h


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