
*By Lorain Pazzetto

At the end of June, I had the opportunity to closely follow a universe of trends in the area of finance and innovation, in the latest edition of Febraban Tech. The most talked about topics at the moment involve, of course, artificial intelligence, blockchain and cybersecurity. By being at the forefront of several of the digital transformation actions developed by FCamara, which presented its new value proposition to the financial market, I was able to participate in a series of enormously rich debates.  

One of these moments was the presentation of the case we developed for Banco Pan, which brought significant results for our strategic Open Finance solution. The institution approached us to join the system right when the topic and regulatory calendar emerged in Brazil, still under the nickname Open Banking.  

Through our accelerators, we regulate Banco Pan in all current phases (up to Phase 4, still ongoing for all institutions). Associated with this, we also sustained and ensured that Pan's Open Finance solutions remained in flight and were scalable, given the campaigns they had been running to obtain consent from account holders. 

With our data intelligence partner, we brought context to the institution's raw data; This information goes far beyond the applicability to approve more credit. We are able to show consumption habits, income composition, what the customer usually buys and where, what means they use most to pay, among other relevant data that allows Pan to detect the moment of life and the association of this with products that are more relevant . 

All of this was only possible thanks to our very close relationship, ideal for customizing the solutions and guaranteeing the robustness, core integration and security that Pan requires, running millions of API processes per day, without losing the performance regulated in the non-functional requirements of the Central bank.  

Our trajectory in Open Finance is certainly known by the market, in which we have participated since the beginning, supporting dozens of institutions to unlock opportunities. But we go much further: we are a technology and innovation ecosystem specialized in the financial market and we understand your pain and the challenging economic moment like no one else.  

This provocative scenario still contains other challenges, duly addressed during Febraban Tech. Cybersecurity was a central topic in a series of other debates during the meeting. Due to the increase in online transactions, the market began to demand advanced security solutions, with biometrics, behavioral analysis and real-time monitoring, to name some of the resources. The idea is to guarantee the integrity of banking operations and the confidentiality of customer data. 

In the wake, questions were also raised about the use of artificial intelligence, in a customer support service context; blockchain, to bring transparency and guarantee the security of transactions; and intelligent fraud prevention systems. 

I reinforce that in the face of a semester of high expectations, this panorama is a consolidated one that depends on all parties. Financial innovation, oriented towards learning how to effectively use customer data, provides valuable input for the digital transformation of products and services, as well as for understanding the context. 

I invite everyone to learn about how we are working on the operational and digital efficiency of our clients, who have decentralized and significantly increased the scope of their technology activities and are revisiting their priorities and budget, whether due to the growth cycle of each company or the challenges of recent years.

*Lorain Pazzetto, head of Digital Finance Strategy at FCamara

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies


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