
Opportunities for career advancement and a collaborative environment are differentiators for retaining talent

One of the hottest sectors in the global economy, the technology area has a growing demand for qualified and specialized professionals. By 2025, the estimate is that almost 420 thousand jobs should be created in the sector, according to Brasscom (Association of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Digital Technologies Companies). Despite the number of opportunities, the IT market still does not have qualified labor to meet this demand, and there is great competition for the best professionals. Therefore, retaining talent has become a priority for companies. 

“When we think about technology professionals, we are considering a profile that is generally very young and that demonstrates urgency in growing quickly in their career and consequently in remuneration, even if they are not yet prepared for a more senior position”, comments Rosely Maximiano, People Director at NTT DATE. As this very rapid rise is not always possible, having differences in the work environment can also be the secret to retaining the best professionals. 

For the executive, there are practices that can have an impact on the best professional remaining in the company without necessarily being linked to remuneration or advancement. “In my experience and by observing this audience on a daily basis, I see that these professionals seek to feel part of something bigger, realizing that they make a difference in achieving the company's objectives. Another determining factor is the existence of a collaborative and respectful environment where learning takes place in the exchange between different skills and where mistakes are understood as a source of development. It is clear that there is a concern with remuneration, which must be compatible with deliveries in terms of complexity and responsibility”, he comments. 

Growth is the result of Meritocracy 

For Rosely, simple career growth and remuneration are a result of individual performance. “Today, at the company, we evaluate professionals in a structured Performance Assessment process, with the participation of managers and validation by a Performance & Career committee. We also developed a Talent Mapping, which are the professionals we see with the potential to occupy more complex positions. This entire information base enables safer People Management, ensuring that professionals with differentiated performance are treated with the best market practices”, he adds. 

You have to like where you are 

It is common to think that you have to enjoy what you do, but beyond that, it is essential to also be happy where you work. “People spend many hours of their day in the workplace, so they need to find a relaxed atmosphere and management with open doors. To assess whether we are on the right path, we carry out periodic surveys that provide us with the perceptions of professionals and help us provide a good environment for our employees”, says Rosely. 

Beatriz Jesus, who has been at NTT DATA as an administrative analyst for a year, emphasizes that remuneration matters, but the main thing is to be in a respectful and healthy environment, with clear communication, good relationships, vision of the future and the possibility of identifying opportunities for professional and personal development. “I would not work in an oppressive, prejudiced, negative environment that compromised my health. I also wouldn’t stay in a place where I don’t see possibilities or opportunities for my career”, he comments. 

For Hélio Cardoso, software architect, the reason for being at the company for 22 years is the good combination of technical conditions to carry out his day-to-day activities. “I like the dynamic in which I can put my ideas and suggestions for the solutions we create. Furthermore, the tools I use during my routine are excellent for delivering great work and supporting management with creativity,” he explains. 

For managers, retaining talent requires continuous effort from all levels of the organization. Focusing on having a positive culture, professional development opportunities, recognition, an environment conducive to development, attractive benefits and close leadership are keys to ensuring employee engagement and, thus, increasing the chances of attracting and retaining the best talent in a company. of technology. Remember that this process is not only a matter of survival in the competitive market, but also essential to drive innovation and continuous growth of the organization.

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