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ABES, ABRIA – Brazilian Association of Artificial Intelligence and I2A2 – Institut d'Intelligence Artificielle Appliquée released an open letter on Friday (18/08) regarding the mention of artificial intelligence in the substitute for PROJECT OF LAW N. 2.370 /19.

The text of the letter highlights that “the Brazilian community of artificial intelligence is expressing concern with the mention of artificial intelligence in the recently published Plenary Opinion by the Commissions of Communication, Finance and Taxation, and Constitution and Justice and of Citizenship to bill no. 2,370, of 2019. We understand that it is not appropriate to modify Article 5 of the Civil Rights Framework for the Internet (Law 12,956/14) to include the expression “artificial intelligence” within the definition of “digital platforms for third-party content”. Artificial intelligence systems – which today are already present in financial, health, transport, education, agriculture and many other services – are not and cannot be characterized as “digital platforms for third-party content”.

In the end, the entities suggest that “the aforementioned Opinion removes the mention of artificial intelligence from the text”, and reinforce “the invitation for all interested parties to participate in the debates around AI, both in the EBIA governance committee and in the National Congress , to further broaden the views on the specificities to be addressed and to ensure that we have a unified vision as a country and that this vision can drive innovation and sustainable development in Brazil”.

To download the open letter, click on here.


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