
*Per Ricardo Recchi

The ROI (Return on Investment) is a formula used to measure the financial return, or profit, that a company will have when making a certain investment. To do this calculation you need to subtract the investment from the return, divide it by the investment again and then multiply by 100 to get the result in percentage. That is, measuring the ROI is an important task for corporations to be able to evaluate their actions, in addition to devising strategies aimed at increasing earnings, without spending a lot of resources.

Increasing your ROI is one of the main goals of a company, as it means expanding your profits. If we assess the growing demand from organizations for the development of digital solutions and services, one thing is certain: corporations need to pay attention and seek tools that meet the agility required for application development and that, at the same time, promote low programming costs, which, consequently, will promote a satisfactory ROI for recurring digital transformation activities.

In this sense, a trend that has been growing in the market and can be a good bet for organizations that want to expand their ROI when it comes to application development is Low-Code, a technology that allows developers to create systems with little coding and the use of artificial intelligence.

Low-Code enables agile programming, since it does not depend on the use of a lot of codes nor on developers with a lot of knowledge in systems development to work on these tools. In this way, it becomes possible for a company to increase its productivity, creating more applications in less time, thus reducing operational costs during the programming processes. That is, by using few resources, this technology promotes the achievement of greater profit compared to other traditional systems development models.

Proof that Low-Code is a resource that has been gaining more and more supporters in this era of digitalization is in the latest Gartner surveys, which indicated that these tools should move a global revenue of U$ 21 billion by 2024, which reveals an exponential growth in the use of this technology.

Therefore, we can say that Low-Code is a way for organizations to achieve an increasing ROI, in addition to benefiting from technology challenges due to its agility and productivity in systems development, which, consequently, will help organizations to innovate and adapt to market demands in the era of Digital Transformation.

*Ricardo Recchi is country manager for Genexus Brazil, Portugal and Cape Verde. The company is part of the Globant Group and is a pioneer in Enterprise Low-Code platforms that simplify software development and evolution through automation.

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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