
FCamara supports initiatives and encourages the training of new technology professionals through social actions throughout Brazil

With 16 years on the road, FCamara, a technology and innovation ecosystem that leverages the future of business, remains firm in its objective of making a difference, not only for its team and customers, but also for people from underserved communities who dream of joining in the technology market and who do not have easy access to it.

Through partnerships with NGOs and edtechs, the company supports projects that offer dynamics, workshops, classes and learning, which have already impacted thousands of people. In addition, FCamara is the biggest sponsor of Orange Juice, a tech community aimed at people who are interested in technology and who want to share their knowledge, experiences, meet new people and areas, in addition to investing in their professional career.

“Our goal is to establish great partnerships that reinforce our purpose of transforming dreamed worlds into real trajectories, in addition to transforming the lives and careers of people who believe in our projects”, points out Joel Backschat, CIO of FCamara. The company's partners in these initiatives are Instituto PROA, Plataforma Impact, A Liga Digital, Projeto Tocando em Frente and Instituto Fazer Sucesso (IFA), non-profit entities that work in the development, education and employability of young people.

At Instituto PROA, leaders, managers and volunteers from technology and from other areas of FCamara, such as recruiting and attracting HR, offer lectures, bootcamps and guidance on final projects for Institute students. In addition, students can be called for job interviews at the company, as was the case with Thaysllayne Santana, who says she was always easy with technology and, seeing that the market was on the rise, dedicated herself to the project at Instituto PROA . She was called for an interview and, today, she works as a Test Analyst at FCamara.

At Liga Digital, professionals trained by the FCamara Training Program give special technology classes to young people from the periphery, guiding students in carrying out projects that put learning into practice. At Plataforma Impact, an NGO located in the favela of Rocinha, Rio de Janeiro, FCamara creates special content trails for programmers and UX Designers, together with Alura Cursos. It also provides mentors from its team to assist students in the Plataforma Community by answering questions, recommending courses and inviting students to job interviews.

Sponsoring the Tocando em Frente project, which promotes the literacy of children from public schools in the cities of the Brazilian interior with interactive and didactic journeys, FCamara has already helped several young people to find their way within the career of their choice. Recently, Orange Juice held a hackathon with NGO participants to support them in working on aspects such as communication and teamwork. One of the requirements to participate in the initiative would be to have a trans/cis woman on the team, encouraging and promoting the inclusion of women in the tech market.

The company is also one of the main supporters of the Making it Happen Institute, which encourages children and adolescents to discover and understand entrepreneurship as a set of behavioral characteristics to be improved, awakening the perception that the future belongs to each one of them. All of this through fun workshops that seek to emphasize the importance of sustainability and conscious consumption. “In 2019, we created the IFA App so that teachers can conduct the workshops and children and adolescents can also interact with the methodology. With the application, more than 42,000 consultations have already been carried out, impacting 13,000 participants. In addition to Brazil, the app is already accessed in the United States, Japan and Haiti”, says Backschat.

In addition to supporting NGOs and social projects, FCamara also supports edtechs, such as Rocketseat, Alura, Cubos Academy and Love People. With the partnerships, the company has already impacted more than 10,000 people from different areas and, through Rocketseat, distributed 50 scholarships to the LGBTQIA+ public to promote inclusion, diversity and quality training within the technology market.

With these initiatives, in addition to investing in social development, FCamara seeks to contribute to the training of new technology professionals. “It is a market full of possibilities and that continues to grow. For the company, it is a pleasure to contribute to the training of more professionals and help those who have the desire and dreams to take advantage of these opportunities. And, therefore, in addition to continuing to support current partners, we will continue to look for new ones, to reinforce our social work, focus on diversity and train more people for the area”, concludes the CIO.

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