
What are the main numbers and perspectives of the IT sector in Brazil and in the world? This issue will be addressed by ABES and IDC in the presentation of the results of the Brazilian Software Market Study 2023: Overview and Trends. The presentation will also bring an analysis of the prospects for the Brazilian software market in the coming years.

They will be with us:

Luciano Ramos
Country Manager at IDC Brazil

Fábio Martinelli
Leader of Software and Cloud Computing programs at IDC, focusing on innovation and Digital Transformation (DX) of organizations.

Jorge Sukarie
Founding partner and President of Brasoftware and advisor to ABES

Paulo Milliet Roque
President of ABES

Jamile Sabatini Marques
ABES Director of Innovation and Promotion

O event is online, free and translated into pounds.

ABES aims to contribute to the construction of a Digital and Less Unequal Brazil.

We wait for you!


Event: Presentation: Study of the Brazilian Software Market 2023 – Overview and Trends

Date: March 15, 2023

Hour: 8:30 am


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