
*By Tatiana Oliveira

Debates about the participation and increased presence of women in the corporate market are gaining more and more space in recent times, but even so, there is a long way to go. According to a study by Brasscom (Association of Information and Communication Technology and Digital Technologies Companies), men currently occupy 67% of the highest positions in technology companies, while women only 33%.

In addition, indicators from the Continuous National Household Sample Survey (PnadC) – carried out by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), between the second quarters of 2019 and 2022 – indicate that the unemployment rate among black women in the second quarter of this year, it stood at 13.9%. Among white women, unemployment was 8.9%; and white men, 6,1%, the lowest rate among the groups.

Through the notes above, it is noticeable the responsibility of companies to encourage diversity within companies, especially in the technology sector, in which the presence of women tends to be smaller. According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), the profit of corporations led by women is 15% higher than that of companies led by men. However, only 39.4% of women are currently in leadership positions.

For the market to have and maintain credibility, it is essential to carry out actions that open hiring opportunities to women and create committees that promote a space for discussion and a support network among them, so that they can show others the importance of the female presence in the work environment, especially in places where there is a predominance of the opposite sex.

It is also worth mentioning the greater incentive that should be given to the presence of women in leadership positions and the attention that companies should pay to mobilization actions to offer equal wages, since according to a 2021 survey by IDados, the women still earn 20% less than men.

Another crucial factor in corporate diversity and inclusion is the execution of development programs. Regardless of the level, whether it is for management, sales or for the technology area as a whole, companies must invest and support the evolution of learning and achievements of their employees. Especially when it comes to minority groups. This is a way to strengthen career plans and increase professional confidence.

Finally, one must keep in mind that, in the corporate environment, it is not enough to talk about diversity and gender equality without actions and planning to put this into practice effectively.

Finally, it is necessary to generate opportunities for hiring, recognition and building a solid and successful career. Only in this way will the market be able to evolve in a fair and promising way.

*Tatiana Oliveira, pre-sales director for Latin America at Seal Telecom

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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