
*Per Rodney Repullo

resilient structures and management intelligent in Dice are essential to sustain success in these uncertain times of rising operating costs involving energy, scarcity of raw materials, hard-to-calculate production capacity situations, fragile supply chains, war in Ukraine, plus gives huge shortage of skilled workers.

management intelligent in Dice includes a core strategy for Dice business processes, digitized processes, future-proof IT platforms, analytics tools intelligent (BI) and appropriate KPIs. 

While much-needed individual digital projects have been implemented during the coronavirus pandemic, many companies still lack an efficient end-to-end digital business model. there is no management intelligent in Dice that forms the basis for decisions based on real facts. In addition, companies would be being more prudent, especially now, and are driving the digitization of all their operations, automating processes and introducing the missing tools for this.

We are moving towards a future driven by Dice with gigantic volumes of Dice. According to the IDC consultancy, the amount of Dice in real time will rise by around 30% by 2025, and – even then – more gives half are no longer used today. Why? The reasons are complex: multiple silos of Dice and municipal applications, systems legacies that are not integrated with each other and manual processes at headquarters and branches. Addressing these issues is critical to a strategy for Dice proper.

legacy silos

Many systems Legacy have been running for many years like ERP, MES, PLC, MED, QM, MM, PLM, SCM and CRM. They grew over time without being aligned and integrated. They are implemented independently in different business units or individual departments, and without communicating with the others, pursuing different objectives and forming the basis of the well-known silos of Dice

Individual digital projects result in more silos of Dice isolated

Projects driven by the coronavirus pandemic have raised the bar for digitalization in countless companies. Often, however, these were localized digitization activities, where only a few core processes within a business unit were automated and digitized. Due to the lack of a more comprehensive digital strategy, the flow of Dice newly acquired products often went unplanned and integrations of systems do not exist, are unstructured or incomplete. This resulted in additional silos of Dice fully isolated business people.

Systems legacy and new applications: new challenges beyond gives organization

Current digitization involves the use of disruptive technologies and concepts. But while it is essential, sudden changes in the area are usually not the ideal approach. A integration in systems legacy and new applications, accompanied gives business process improvements provide a sure path to full digitization – with incremental improvements forming the foundation gives strategy.

The objective of companies must be to break silos and make accessible, structured and evaluated all sources of Dice, from all areas gives organization. The implementation of this objective can be extended by connecting with suppliers and sales partners, allowing a flow of Dice completeness and transparency of Dice additional.

Big Data Value

Today, the most important thing is that the management of business is based on fundamental decisions based on Dice and comprehensive and reliable analyses. Not just collecting and processing Dice of a single business unit. It is necessary to resort to Dice additions of existing business applications across distributed departments.

Centralized digitalization platform Dice and integration in systems

Many scanning solutions are focused on capturing Dice of a subset of the systems from you gives company – operations, systems production, logistics, systems finance, sales, etc. However, truly meaningful digital transformation must connect all aspects of the business and this will only be possible leave of modern technological solutions that can allow companies to collect, process and analyze all Dice quickly and completely. No matter where they are located in gives organization or gives supply chain.

hub Data and BI as a basis 

Some of these business management solutions already include a data lake and analytics (BI) tools. They form a solid foundation for the management intelligent in Dice in applications. information like Dice of the customer's registration can be linked to Dice market. You Dice of the machines and the factory floor can be linked to the Dice quality control, post-sales and real-time retrieval.

solid reviews Dice, like financial reports, can be presented clearly in visual dashboards and accessed anytime, anywhere. Decision makers can analyze relevant and clearly defined KPIs and improve OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness), for example.

Furthermore, essential workflows can be streamlined and automated. Expenses and time spent on tasks can be reduced and the management inventory being more effective, with forward planning easier to achieve.

Key points to consider about management intelligent in Dice:

- O management in Dice future-oriented includes an adequate organizational structure, customized operational models for Big Data and Data Analytics and business and production management solutions;
– A strategy of Dice effective will be in effect when Dice business-relevant sources from all sources are collected, processed, analyzed easily, and shared efficiently;
– Flexible scanning platforms and integration in systems support decision-making based on Dice;

– With access to Dice and accurate real-time insights across the entire supply chain, managers can make the most accurate decisions in a timely manner.

the synchronization of Dice provided by integration in systems enables discovery, full visibility, and insights from Dice actionable, enabling teams in all areas – including top management – to make decisions based on Dice for the quest gives excellence in business results. 

*Rodney Repullo, CEO gives Magic Software Brasil.

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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