
*By Otavio Argenton

All companies need and must evolve technologically to reach a high competitive level in the current market. And, taking this premise into consideration, each year, new technological trends become a priority in companies' business plans. Therefore, after the era of digital transformation, which most companies have already entered, now is the time to invest in digital evolution, that is, assessing the current level of digital maturity and evolving in the process, considering not only the technological environment, but also the human being as a key factor for evolution.

In this sense, when following the path of digital evolution, companies of all sizes need to continue innovating through new technologies. According to the report “Software and ICT Services Industry in Brazil: characterization and recent trajectory”, released by the Softex Observatory, in 2021 alone, Brazil invested around R$ 322 billion in technology, reinforcing its importance for the development of organizations . In view of this scenario, what will be the main technological trends in companies for 2023?

Digitization of processes 

The world is increasingly digitized, providing previously unimaginable facilities, such as fully remote, safe and fast purchases, problem solving via digital interaction. In this context, consumer behavior is also adequate, benefiting from the possibility of “turning on and off” a service whenever they want or solving some demand at the time and place they are.

This digital standard is now a requirement for all companies, of any size or segment, in order to offer their customers a quality and consistent experience. With less human interaction, companies are looking to achieve stability, predictability and fulfillment of promises that can provide better user experiences. In this way, the digitization of processes generally allows services to meet or exceed customer expectations, generating loyalty and becoming a major competitive advantage.

Data Management and Information Security 

One of the main consequences of mass digitalization and the prioritization of online experiences is the increase in the amount of data to be consumed, stored and managed by organizations. According to IDC's Data Age 2025 report, the expectation is that the amount of data created, captured, copied and consumed, which was 33 zettabytes (ZB) in 2018, will grow to 175 ZB by 2025.

Thus, the current challenge for companies is not the production of more data or its sharing, which many times already occurs in an organic way, but its management in large proportions and the access to them in an effective, well-structured and economical way, for an assertive decision-making process. In this sense, a well-executed management of data in a company allows greater reliability for solving problems, new solutions, ideas, and making important decisions for the business.

In addition, with the increase in data and the consequent demand for its management, another concern arises in companies: the safety of the information. To ensure that all data collected and stored is safe, companies must invest more and more in protection technologies and in the training of their teams of employees to ensure the correct handling of information and to avoid hacker intrusions or data leakage.

The General Data Protection Law (LGPD), in force since August 2020, has the responsibility to establish practices for the collection and management of data in companies. It is worth remembering that the first person to dismantle a security system is the user of the institution. With this, the LGPD assists in the fulfillment of compliance initiatives, enables better management, security and data privacy, increases the reliability of companies and creates a safer relationship with consumers.

The importance of governance 

One more trend in companies for the next year will be investment in governance. In recent years, especially with the face of the pandemic, many changes have taken place in the labor market, generating a greater demand for the governance of license and software processes in companies.

Therefore, there is a great possibility that in 2023, companies will invest even more in this sector, in order to effectively organize and control their systems and software, mitigating any technological or financial risk for the business. With the best practices of asset management of software, institutions ensure greater security, cost control, in addition to reducing contracts.

Technology as an ally in business success 

In order to obtain the best results and know which technologies to invest in, companies must increasingly pay attention to the needs of their business and which path they want to follow in 2023. From this, it is possible to draw up an adequate plan, relying on consultancies and specialized professionals, and move towards the digital evolution.

In this current competitive scenario, one cannot be left behind. There are only two alternatives: choosing a late investment and not achieving the competitiveness currently required, or considering and adopting the main technological trends to leverage the business and actually achieve a successful position in the market.

*Otávio Argenton is Country Manager at SoftwareONE, a leading global provider of end-to-end solutions for software and cloud technology.

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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