
*By Lázaro Pinheiro

low-code is transforming the information technology industry into business. This solution, which has the power to accelerate software development processes, offers an alternative for companies not to depend on a market that has been so scarce in recent years: that of developers.

The deficit of technical professionals to meet the high programming demands is no secret to anyone. Therefore, the global technology segment saw in the low-code the key piece for automating and creating applications. However, not all companies know how much this tool can be transformative in routine processes.

In the world of programming, the low-code it has been essential to streamline day-to-day tasks and relieve IT professionals, who can focus their efforts on new and more complex projects. The ability to optimize and customize data critical to business development enables anyone to create and manage software and applications.

The search for an increasingly intelligent data management is great. In that sense, the low-code goes against an already predefined graphic interface. Therefore, it is possible to develop automations and applications without having to resort to specialized professionals.

This technology precisely favors people from other areas with minimal knowledge base in programming. In some cases, they may even find an opportunity to migrate to that market.

Of course, there are specific tasks that only highly trained professionals in systems development can perform. However, in the case of necessary automation in some processes, the use of a tool that does not require prior knowledge brings more agility to the resolution of day-to-day problems. That is, adversities that often occupy a good part of the time of professionals who could be working on larger projects.

That's the gap that low-code tools are helping to fill. 

*Lázaro Pinheiro, CO-CEO of TrueChange, a reference company in low-code solutions in Brazil

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies


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