
*By Luciana Precaro

In recent years, the Consortium sector has gone through an important period of growth and transformation. In the first half of 2022, the number of active consortium members grew by 12.1% compared to 2021, with the sale of 1.85 million new quotas and the volume of credits made available to the market was in the order of R$ 28 billion, between January and May, according to the Brazilian Association of Consortium Administrators (Abac).

Faced with increased demand, competition and taking into account the relevance of the product to boost the Brazilian economy, seeking operational efficiency and offering the best customer experience is essential to stay in the game and take advantage of the wave of growth. As a result, the search for innovation and technological updating has become even more necessary.

Today, consortium is synonymous with several things: planning, financial education, financial adequacy. It makes it possible from plastic surgery to the acquisition of an agricultural machine that will allow you to grow in agribusiness.

The digital transformation is an ally of this successful market and will increasingly improve the performance of administrators and provide consumers with more opportunities. Talking about consortiums, especially in Brazil, is talking about making dreams come true and the market has been looking at this demand carefully.

In addition to independent administrators and automakers, the consortium has a chance of becoming one of the banks' main products, and the experience needs to be simple and safe so that the customer, who is demanding, is interested. Therefore, the strategy is to work to improve technologies, offering a lighter product, with more usability, integrated and with the best possible experience.

Generally speaking, the customer experience should be at the center of decisions. Consumers will look for offers that are in line with their profile, which transmit security and transparency at the time of purchase and also make it easier to adhere to and monitor the evolution of the quota.

At the other end, administrators need to have all the information to make strategic, agile and assertive decisions. We work to offer a product that reduces cancellations.

The consortium had the best first semester in 10 years and technology is one of the great allies of this success: whether it is controlling payments, signing, scanning or validating a document or even programming the consortium's next steps.

Technology in this market means meeting the needs of an audience that wants a greater presence in digital, easier processes and less bureaucracy. Applications and tools that gather all the necessary tools to research, acquire and monitor already have and will have, every day more, the leadership of the segment.

*Luciana Precaro, Head of Consortia at Sinqia

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies


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