
*by André Muraki

That data is worth gold is nothing new. But the way they are visualized and treated to transform them into insights, innovation, differentiated products and services, is what will indicate the shortest or longest way to reach, and even surprise, the business objectives.

It is not a simple task, but technology can simplify it and help organize, manage and optimize processes for obtaining and processing data in the midst of the turmoil of the corporate universe.

This is because, in general, as companies seek to exploit their data to drive digital transformation, they end up facing a dispersion of data in different repositories, such as departmental silos and cloud. Result? Waste of valuable information.

No meaningful value can be gained without integration and orchestration. It is a snowball that grows in companies in the face of connections and data supply from hybrid sources, multicloud and from several partners. Having a single view of the data, with policy information aggregated to the business, is essential in this scenario. And this differential has a name: Data Fabric.

I would summarize Data Fabric, literally translated as Mesh of Data, as a single center of data information, which simplifies and streamlines its use in actions and business strategies. Or even as an enabler for an insights platform, which provides a fully managed hybrid cloud experience to explore, prepare, manage, govern and deliver data at scale to various areas of business.

There are countless benefits that centralization provides. Among them, easy and efficient management, it does not depend on programs, architectures and metadata (data dictionary), it also reduces complexity, facilitates the management of cloud and multicloud environments, in addition to optimizing processes through Artificial Intelligence (AI).

According to Gartner, Data Fabric can intelligently and securely orchestrate disparate data sources, accelerating and leveraging data platforms such as data lakes, data warehouses, NoSQL, translytics and others to provide a unified, reliable and comprehensive view. customer and business data across the enterprise to support insights and applications.

This way, users have a single access point to find, understand, shape, and utilize data across the entire organization. Everyone can access the platform within the organization, which means an important gain in corporate data culture: the democratization of data consumption.

Automation enables quick access to data that is spread across multiple information silos across multiple business areas. The system itself is responsible for finding where they are stored and who authorizes access. This functionality greatly simplifies the process and enables self-service consumption of trusted data.

Bridge to innovation and competitiveness

The more agile the access to data, the more opportunities to generate insights to innovate. And the more innovative the business, the more competitive it will be. Data Fabric embeds automated governance into the data platform and, as it is enabled by active metadata, ensures automatic enforcement of policies for all access to information, in an agile and secure manner.

Implementing the Data Fabric concept requires a lot of experience, evaluation and focus. For this reason, many companies accelerate this process through partners that operate in different markets, implementing the approach of this platform in a customized way.

According to Gartner, by 2024, organizations that leverage active metadata to enrich and deliver a dynamic data fabric will reduce the delivery time of integrated data in 50% and improve the productivity of data teams in 20%. Valuable differentials in competitive markets.

So, how much is this differential worth?

*André Muraki, Senior Manager of Data Analytics at Logicalis

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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