
*By Samir Mazzer Chuffi

In recent years, we have seen the market moving at great strides when it comes to migrating to the cloud, since companies of different sizes and segments needed to mobilize and bet on cloud to remain competitive and gain flexibility to operate remotely. This scenario is reflected in the main market research. According to a recent Gartner survey, it is estimated that 85% of all companies in the world will operate within the cloud by 2025. With this context in mind, is it possible to survive in the current market without performing this migration?

The answers to these questions are based on the premise that each organization has a different technological maturity, even if they all need IT for their survival. The first major point that needs to be conjectured is related to the complexity in which the companies are inserted, since there is interdependence, which interferes with the entire chain. In this way, companies often do not have the necessary knowledge on how to update their environment, generating even more complexity.

In addition, there are other factors that impact the migration decision, such as the lack of IT professionals in the market, the costs involved to carry out this process in an assertive way and, also, the cultural issue of the company, since there are professionals in the market focused on solving immediate problems, instead of bringing a long-term strategic business vision.

For a company to update itself, it is necessary to invest not only in hiring services, but in changing its mindset. And, even with the challenges, many companies are already in the cloud or make use of it, as they are being hosted in corporate solutions. This reveals an interesting scenario: even unintentionally, the cloud is present in the daily lives of many companies, and there is no way to escape this trend.

Challenges for companies that have not migrated to the cloud

Companies that have not yet carried out the migration traditionally have two operating models. The first and most common are the Data Processing Centers (CPD), where all IT specialists work within this environment. In these cases, companies need to be concerned with aspects such as electricity costs, physical security of the space and, also, pay attention to maintain a strong heating, cooling and alarm system. The second, more sophisticated, involves hiring a datacenter service. In this way, organizations hire specialized companies that rent these spaces equipped and ready to receive an IT team.

However, if we think about the most evolved market segments in terms of migration to the cloud, we come to the conclusion that everything depends on a supply and demand relationship. The financial market was much more audacious in this regard, as it quickly understood that technology is capable of bringing its customers and partners closer together. In addition, the segment demands speed, latency and is very connected to the user experience. This proves that the more technology is proving itself in the difference it makes today, the more companies adhere.

How to efficiently migrate to the cloud?

For a company to migrate its operation to the cloud, it is essential to have a strategic partner and a team of professionals who are focused on infrastructure, software, application and data. In addition, for those organizations that decide to go digital, before going to the cloud, it is necessary to look at the business as a whole, always aiming at a vision of the objectives that the company wants to achieve, thinking about optimization, availability and costs. .

It is worth remembering that, more than migrating, carrying out all the assessment of the operation, offering all the details of the IT environment, is a key factor for the success of this journey. Through the assessment, it is possible to carry out an analysis of the entire technological environment of the company, defining the strengths and weaknesses, which aspects need optimization, in addition to providing relevant data so that the companies' decision-making is even more assertive.

Thus, the multiple benefits that the cloud brings to companies are clear and proven, and the biggest one is related to the increase in the efficiency of the operation. From a technological point of view, the most backward companies have suffered from higher costs and less competitiveness, since the cloud is capable of providing not only the democratization of access to the best technologies for companies, but also greater efficiency and business results as a all.

*Samir Mazzer Chuffi is Cloud Services Sales Solutions Leader at SoftwareONE

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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