
Data on investments and perspectives from the Brazilian and global ICT sectors will be presented by the association and IDC at 8:30 am

ABES – Brazilian Association of Software Companies – will release the results of the study “Brazilian Software Market – Panorama and Trend 2020”, carried out with IDC data, in a totally virtual event on August 4th, at 8:30 am. Information on investments and perspectives for the ICT sectors in Brazil and in the world will be presented. Free entries can be made here, the event will be translated into pounds, and if you are unable to follow that day, the debate will be available on the association's Youtube channel as well.

The entire survey and overview of the sector will be presented by Rodolfo Fücher, president of ABES; and Jorge Sukarie, vice president of the ABES Board. “On the 4th, we will present the consequences of the pandemic in the IT sector, whose role was fundamental for the continuity of the most diverse activities, as well as presenting the expectations for the coming years. The study will be freely available to the market, with the aim of collaborating in decisions about IT investments and in the elaboration of strategies”, says Rodolfo.

The event will also feature the participation of Fabio Martinelli, Leader of Software and Cloud Computing programs at IDC. “We will take this time to talk about market trends in the application of technology, looking at the business recovery journey and how companies advance in the application of technology to drive innovation in an increasingly digital economy. The study aims to deepen knowledge of the market related to ICT in Brazil, in addition to mapping the impacts of Digital Transformation (DX) on companies”, explains the executive.

The association is committed to providing more and more content and services to its members and partners, with the purpose of contributing to the construction of a digital and less unequal Brazil, in which information technology plays a fundamental role for the democratization of knowledge and the creation of new opportunities for all, in an inclusive and equal way. Therefore, ABES has acted to ensure a business environment conducive to innovation, ethical, dynamic, sustainable and globally competitive.

EVENT: Presentation of the Study of the Brazilian Software Market 2021

  • Rodolfo Fücher, President of ABES;
  • Jorge Sukarie, Vice President of the Board of ABES;
  • Fabio Martinelli, Leader of Software and Cloud Computing programs at IDC, with a focus on innovation and Digital Transformation (DX) of organizations.

Date: August 4th

Hour: 8:30 am


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