
*By Paulo Oliveira

When it comes to cost reduction in companies, some managers and even employees themselves immediately relate to the dismissal. However, employee turnover often generates more expenses. A Center for American Progress (CAP) study found that the average costs to replace a professional ranged from 16% of the former's annual salary (in cases of low pay) to 213% for executive positions.

Technologies, on the other hand, played a key role during the pandemic in several sectors to keep businesses running and, consequently, jobs. In HR, automated solutions and even the outsourcing of services have brought financial breath and allowed for a change in culture, whose impact goes beyond budget.

Automation in HR promotes greater integration and productivity not only in the tasks inherent to the department, but in other areas, as these same professionals, when freed from manual and repetitive processes, can deliver strategic value in making important decisions together with others sectors such as marketing, IT and communication, for example.

In this scenario, technology not only maintains the workforce, but also makes it more agile and productive, resulting in efficiency and a holistic view of the main bottlenecks that impede growth. Involving all employees in decisions, investing in training and qualification and, above all, leading by example are the changes in culture brought about by automation.

Information security is also another point of concern for companies, especially with the start of punishments provided for by the LGPD. HR is one of the departments that deal most with sensitive data and automating this process is no longer a purely operational issue, but an economic one, as the financial impact of a possible breach can easily make even the most solid of companies need to go back.

Even though companies are unable or unwilling to invest in technology, outsourcing has been a viable and equally economical alternative, as it allows them to obtain qualified labor without having to spend high amounts. In HR, it can mean a reduction in labor and tax costs, since getting the help of a specialized consultancy exempts the company from fines for non-compliance.

Although companies have the most modern technology at their disposal, what the digital transformation must represent is a change in consciousness, which allows for a more human look at people management, not only based on technical skills and abilities, but in the values passed on to the customer, which need to be compatible with those practiced by the organization itself.

* Paulo Oliveira, marketing manager at Apdata

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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