
Rodolfo Fücher, president of the association, participates in panel on human capital on June 17th at 10:40 am

São Paulo, June 16, 2021 – The ESG Forum event, promoted by IT Inside, will focus on the initiatives that companies must adopt to be committed to having a more sustainable operation in environmental, social and governance terms (ESG – Environmental, Social, Governance). For this, it will have the participation of ABES – Brazilian Association of Software Companies in one of the panels. On June 17, at 10:40 am, Rodolfo Fücher, president of the association, will be present at the event to discuss the new challenges that professionals who work with human capital have come to face in the workplace, such as corporate conduct and contribution to the community.

“Diversity is the stage for opportunities for companies to act both internally, with their employees, and externally. Being ethical, acting responsibly, caring for the environment and the society around us, is fundamental. Therefore, this meeting will serve to present our actions and programs linked to the best ESG practices, in the sense of helping our associates to contribute to an increasingly inclusive and egalitarian world”, says Rodolfo Fücher, president of ABES.

In addition to the executive, the debate will include the participation of Marcus Nakagawa, coordinator of the ESPM Center for Socioenvironmental Development (CEDS) and advisor at Abraps; Fernando Luciano, director of Talents at Vivo; Rubem Duek, president of Associação Meu Futuro Digital; and Catherine Duvignau, CEO and founder of Toptrends.

The ESG theme contributes to ABES' purpose of contributing to the construction of a more digital and less unequal Brazil, in which information technology plays a fundamental role in the democratization of knowledge and the creation of new opportunities for all, in an inclusive way and egalitarian. With this in mind, the association decided to promote a mobilization to reduce the impact on the environment through the proper disposal of IT equipment. Named "Mobilization to reduce inequality", the campaign launched in partnership with ReUrbi and the Third Sector Observatory, and with the support of Weber Shandwick, aims to support social inclusion projects that promote training in the digital area, through resources obtained by recycling IT equipment discarded by companies.

To participate, companies that have electronic IT equipment that want to contribute to the environment and invest in social projects, must follow the instructions on the ReciTech website. Entities that have a social project aligned with the purpose of the campaign can apply to receive the resources by contacting the Observatório do Tercer Sectoro:

EVENT: ESG Forum – Panel 4 – Human Capital

Date: June 17th

Time: 10:40 am


About ABES

ABES, Brazilian Association of Software Companies, aims to contribute to the construction of a more digital and less unequal Brazil, in which information technology plays a fundamental role in the democratization of knowledge and the creation of new opportunities for all. In this sense, it aims to ensure a business environment conducive to innovation, ethical, dynamic, sustainable and globally competitive, always aligned with its mission to connect, guide, protect and develop the Brazilian information technology market.

Since its foundation in September 1986, ABES has sought to be relevant to its members and a national and international reference in the technology sector. Recently, the entity launched, in partnership with EY, the LGPD diagnosis, a free online tool and the LGPD/ABES index, with the objective of helping companies to analyze their level of adequacy with the LGPD (General Data Protection Law ). Based on more than 3,000 diagnoses carried out, the LGPD ABES index, indicate that around only 40% are in compliance with the LGPD, for more details, visit:

Currently, ABES represents approximately 2 thousand companies, totaling around 85% of the software and services segment revenue in Brazil, distributed in 22 Brazilian states and the Federal District, responsible for the generation of more than 208 thousand direct jobs and an annual revenue around 63.7 billion in 2019.

Access the ABES Portal – or contact the Relationship Center: +55(11) 2161-2833.

Press contacts:


Weber Shandwick Brazil –

Janahina Rodrigues – +55 (11) 3027-0271

Paula Boracini - +55 (11) 98415-0314

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