
*By Claudio Bessa

The world of video games continues to grow on a large scale, and Latin America is no exception. In fact, the region is considered to be one of the regions with the greatest potential in this market. According to the research institute Newzoo, revenue from the global games market is expected to reach 180 billion by 2021, and Latin America, with more than 260 million players, is expected to grow by around 13% over the year.

The accelerated expansion of video games among different types of users in different areas and their impressive transformation driven by technology has led them to evolve into a powerful tool used by companies to innovate in experiences, from the back-end to customers and communities. Driven by the digital and mobile explosion, video games have also revolutionized industries such as sports and learning, becoming an important tool to offer and develop different skills and being a vehicle to support scientific, educational and training projects.

What technologies are transforming the industry?

Cloud Gaming: Cloud the backbone

With images loaded with textures, animation and lighting, online gaming requires the ability to process complex graphics at scale without interruption. An open hybrid cloud infrastructure provides the foundation for scalability in any environment, enhanced data portability and the capabilities to create and implement high-performance gaming platforms worldwide with the low latency that players need. Some companies are already innovating with the IBM Cloud:

  • Skyegrid: Its platform allows people to play video games with zero lag from a laptop, tablet or smartphone without the need to install game software or buy expensive hardware. They already have more than 3,000 subscribers.
  • Exit games: Created a highly available, scalable and reliable SaaS platform for developing and hosting multiplayer games worldwide. Today they have more than 250 million monthly players and a platform for 260,000 developers.
  • Mobbyt: He found in educational video games the opportunity to help children undergoing cancer treatments. Its free platform makes it possible to create games quickly and simply. Mobbyt is currently used by many users around the world.

AI: Capturing the most impactful moments

Whether players are physically in an arena or controlling virtual avatars in digital environments, artificial intelligence (AI) can help them improve their performance with insights, while delivering information to casters to narrate games and new experiences for fans live the excitement of e-sports.

  • Increasing game skills: with simple developments in Artificial Intelligence, you can optimize strategies after a game. For example, when using IBM Watson Studio, it is possible to analyze, view and obtain information about the Starcraft II game with a code pattern.
  • Casting with real-time insights: the highlights highlighted by IBM's AI that appeared in the US Open, Wimbledon and Masters can be applied in e-sports. This solution monitors the game and identifies the most exciting times based on the data, including scoring, audience and player reaction. IBM technology can compile the most exciting moments for casters, fans and players.
  • Experience for fans on another level: IBM's natural language processing capabilities and Machine Learning are creating exciting new experiences in many areas, from ESPN Fantasy Football see you Activision Blizzard Overwatch League. In Fantasy Football, these solutions help players to get more depth, which allows them to better understand their performance, point projections and evaluate risk / reward decisions as they set up their alignment. In the Overwatch League, IBM uses the same technology to develop player and team performance analysis tools for fans, as well as teams and casters.

The cloud and artificial intelligence are changing the way we play, as well as the way video games are created and used to benefit businesses and transform professions. In addition, they are improving accessibility in all aspects. With open source communities working globally in different areas and with the evolution of other technologies like quantum computing, can you imagine the innovations that will come in the future? 

* By Claudio Bessa, Developer Ecosystem Leader and Chief Developer Advocate, IBM Latin America 

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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