
* By Cleber Genero

Resilience and challenge are key words for the year 2020. But “transformation” is also part of the vocabulary, after all, we were able to observe the great advance in the area of technology and in the virtual world. The months that brought uncertainty, with social isolation and more intense adoption of home office work, for example, unlocked an adaptation module that exists in each of us, creating an environment of deep interaction with the digital universe. As already indicated by some specialists, we saw in a few months the greatest technological advance in recent times, equivalent to what we expected to achieve in at least ten years.

Despite the great impact, especially financial, suffered by micro, small and medium companies, in this moment of transformation, they have greater capacity to potentialize their business, finding new opportunities in the market. In this sense, equipping yourself technologically to increase the chances of competitiveness will be a differential and investment in digital identity can be the first step to ensure security in transactions, gain agility in processes and reinforce credibility with consumers, who are increasingly demanding .

In a quick assessment, based on data from Serasa Experian, we observed in the accumulated from January to August this year, the birth of 2.2 million companies in the country, a historical record, being 80% individual microentrepreneurs (MEIs). These new businesses and all others can rely on digital tools to reduce costs, make the IRS remote processes much more practical, in addition to gaining agility when it comes to signing documents and contracts digitally.

I cannot fail to mention that in the midst of this pandemic, another extremely important segment for society has gained notoriety in all spheres: the health area. The technology applied to telemedicine became necessary and of valuable relevance to keep the calls active, even in the face of isolation measures. Without digital certification and electronic signature this would not be possible, according to the regulation published in March this year by the Ministry of Health.

It is worth emphasizing that all online transactions that occur through digital certificates are 100% secure, with the guarantee that the data will be protected and helping the company to remain in compliance with the information security rules brought by the General Protection Law of Data. This last point was even more relevant during the pandemic period, with the massification of purchases and services provided online. It was evident how far we have progressed with digital transformation, isn't it?

In order to continue on this evolution path, the most important thing now is that companies and consumers adapt to the use of these tools, always looking for what best fits each profile. Absorbing the benefits is also part of this journey, as well as becoming aware that it is necessary to have serious and committed partners in this transformational process. Whatever the next challenge, we know that in the union we find the strength to overcome and innovate. Digitization is a path of no return and, if electronic tools previously played an important role in driving business, they are now extremely necessary.
* Cleber Genero is vice president of Small and Medium Enterprises and Digital Identity at Serasa Experian

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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