
The channel was specially developed to respond to customers' main doubts and questions regarding tax changes and the use of ERP technology

The Tax Reform was enacted in December 2023. Complementary Laws began to be filed in 2024. Faced with this announced change, companies and managers are beginning to review their processes to adapt to the new fiscal scenario. For some, the movement brings insecurity and doubts, as every change impacts the progress of business, from day-to-day operations to costs and revenue. 

Thinking about answering all possible doubts, the Senior Systems, one of the main technology companies for business management, created the Monitor Legal channel, a space where company experts can respond about Tax Reform and also about issues involving ERP technology. “To offer up-to-date information, we constantly monitor legislation, so we have professionals prepared to deal with the matter and that is why we are making this space available to our clients. Considering the size of the challenge of changing systems to the new tax structure, we understand that the work of mapping and understanding what is planned should begin in 2024”, explains the Head of Product at Senior Sistemas, Bruno Ravacci. 

The Monitor Legal channel reflects the commitment of Senior Systems in providing comprehensive solutions and expert guidance to help clients successfully navigate the new tax landscape. Simply access the channel to obtain valuable information about Tax Reform and explore how ERP solutions can optimize business management amid changes. “For 10 years, ERP Senior will work with both taxation models due to the transition planned by the Government. We will create the new tax provided for in the Tax Reform, which will be called DUAL VAT and include it in the calculations of incoming and outgoing invoices. Despite the novelty, for a period of transition, current tax obligations will continue to coexist with the new rules”, he explains. 

Senior Sistemas has been following its customers' doubts regarding the ERP solution and states that its ERP has been preparing to support the change in taxation, positioning itself as a strategic pillar for its customers during this transition phase.

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