
LIS Brasil, AARB, FENAINFO, MicroPower Institute, BSA, ABRADISTI, SUCESU, ABINC, BUSBC, ABIMDE and AbraHosting approve educational work and propagation of the association's data privacy culture

With the purpose of contributing to the construction of a more digital and less unequal Brazil, in which information technology plays a fundamental role for the democratization of knowledge and the creation of new opportunities for all, ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies , indicates its president, Rodolfo Fücher, for the vacancy of Representative Entity of the Business Sector in the National Council for the Protection of Personal Data and Privacy, of the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD). In this sense, the association intends to ensure a business environment conducive to innovation, ethical, sustainable, dynamic and globally competitive.

The appointment aims to bring diversity to the collegiate, adding the perspective and knowledge of its more than 35 years of experience in the technology market, as an executive of national and multinational companies, businessman, entrepreneur and advisor to companies related to the health and financial sectors. Fücher holds a degree in Information Technology from Mackenzie, a postgraduate degree in Marketing from ESPM, and has courses in corporate governance from IBGC, digital strategy from Columbia Business School, global macroeconomics from MIT Sloan School of Management, venture capital from Berkeley - Hass School of Business, neuroscience by the Wharton School, governance and new economics by GoNew, and technological convergence by Singularity University.

“As president of ABES, I represent around 2 thousand companies in the sector, of which 77% are micro and small entrepreneurs. We work together to play a key role in stimulating the development of entrepreneurship, as we understand that it is vital to ensure economic growth and competitiveness in Brazil. In this way, I intend to add my vision of the productive sector and entrepreneurship to the legal experience, which characterizes most of the others appointed to the council by the private sector ”, he explains.

Within the activities developed by the entity, it is important to highlight the work that has been done to provide references, educate and propagate the culture of privacy and data protection to the market in general, not just to its associates, due to the importance of the theme.

In partnership with EY, created the online tool for LGPD Diagnosis , so that companies that are in the process of implementing good practice rules and governance based on the General Data Protection Law (LGPD), check their level of adequacy to the project. The solution consists of a confidential questionnaire through which companies can make a self-assessment regarding the different points required by law. After filling in, the tool offers a diagnosis as to the degree of adequacy of the company with suggestions contextualized to the result. The platform has already helped more than 3,000 companies in the country and has become a national benchmark in statistics for the press and for public policy decisions on the topic.

In parallel with the launch of the LGPD Diagnosis, ABES, also in partnership with EY, developed a series of indicators that statistically demonstrate, based on the diagnoses carried out, the level of adherence to the requirements provided for in the LGPD, classified by organization size, follow-up and geographic region, including analysis of three aspects: technology, processes and people. In addition, the dashboard indicates the percentage of companies that have suffered some type of incident during the past two years, and the rate of companies that collect sensitive data:

To foster the interest of companies in the subject and to guide them on how to comply with the law, the association created ABES ACADEMY, a sector of education and continuing education, which has already trained hundreds of people with the course on data protection, privacy and security of the company. information. The course “General Data Protection Law: Fundamentals and Implementation” offers participants an important theoretical knowledge and, mainly, practical information for adapting the organization to the LGPD, highlighting the diagnostic steps, mapping the existing data held by the organization, definition of procedures and processes, definition of those responsible and governance.

“This course is one of the few that addresses both issues involving legal and technical implementation, so it is a complete tool for those who need to learn and stay in compliance. There is no more time to waste, organizations need to adapt as quickly as possible ”, emphasizes the president of ABES.

Even before it came into force, in 2018, the entity created the “General Data Protection Law Working Group”, in which the associates, with the assistance of the association's legal department, still hold monthly meetings to study the legislation and exchange experiences on the fitness journey.

“We are always concerned with companies' compliance with the LGPD, that's why we are also members and one of the leaders of the Business Front in Defense of the LGPD and Legal Security , a group that brings together more than 70 entities from different sectors of the Brazilian economy, which represent about 70% of the national GDP ”, explains Fücher. The Business Front assumed as its mission the search for a minimum common denominator within the private sector capable of assisting the ANPD Board of Directors and other Brazilian authorities in the task of bringing legal security to the LGPD and disseminating the culture of protection and privacy of personal data to establish governance criteria and good practices to be gradually implemented.

ABES 'candidacy is also supported by other entities such as LIS Brasil - Brazilian Association of Companies Developing Laboratory Information Systems; AARB - Association of Brazilian Registration Authorities; FENAINFO - National Federation of Computer Companies; MicroPower Institute; BSA | The Software Alliance; ABRADISTI - Brazilian Association for the Distribution of Information Technology; SUCESU - Society of Informatics and Telecommunications Users of São Paulo; ABINC - Brazilian Association of Internet of Things; BUSBC - Brazil-United States Business Council; ABIMDE - Brazilian Association of Defense and Security Materials Industries and AbraHosting - Brazilian Association of Internet Hosting Infrastructure Companies; Fecomércio SC - The Federation of Commerce of Goods, Services and Tourism of Santa Catarina; APETI - Association of Information Technology Professionals and Companies; and SOFTEX.

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