ABES Software Conference 2015 brings together businessmen from the sector and presents the current numbers of the Brazilian software market with a debate on the current trends and challenges in innovation, taxes and the economic moment

This morning, ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies held, at the Hotel Renaissance, in São Paulo, the ABES Software Conference 2015. At the meeting, there was a debate on the most relevant and recurring themes in the Brazilian software and services market, mainly in innovation in times of network, tax changes and political-economic perspectives for Brazil.
“The ABES Software Conference is an important moment for the entity to meet with its associates and bring an overview of our market and, also, open space for the discussion of current challenges and how we can face them to grow business and maintain the economy in motion in the country ”, highlights Jorge Sukarie, president of the entity.
José Marcelo Zacchi, presenter of the Globo News Browser Program, gave a lecture on Innovation in times of Networking, which addressed technology, creativity and collaboration.
Brazilian Software Market Study
For the presentation of the study, the entity counted on the participation of the Software Research Coordinator at IDC, Luciano Ramos, who presented, together with the president of ABES, Jorge Sukarie, the main numbers of the annual study that the entities organize on the Brazilian Software and Services Market. In the study, the Brazilian IT Industry ranked 7th in the ranking worldwide, with an investment of US$ 60 billion, in 2014. If we consider only the Software and IT Services sector, without exports, the amount totaled US$ 25.2 billion last year.
The study points out that Brazil is positioned in 1st place in the ranking of investments in the IT sector in Latin America, with 46% of this market which, in 2014, totaled US$ 128 billion. When considering the software market in isolation, sales reached US$ 11.2 billion last year, without exports. Services, on the other hand, registered a value of US$ 14 billion in the same period.

  • Company Profile

According to the survey, the Brazilian Software and Services Market is led by micro and small businesses. Of the companies dedicated to the development and production of software, almost 95% are micro and small companies and medium and large enterprises have representation of approximately 5%.

  • Regional data

The study also brought about the distribution of IT spending in the country. The Southeast was the region with the largest total participation in investments in hardware, software and services, with 60.67%. The Midwest recorded 10.9% of participation; Northeast 10,1% and South 14,53%. The North of the country, on the other hand, was the one that least invested in the sector, with a percentage of 3.7%.

  • Segment participation

The application sector was the most participatory in 2014, with a total of 44%. The businesses focused on the development environment were responsible for 31.3%. Infrastructure and security, and the export software segment registered a share of 22.7% and 1.9%, respectively.

  • Business Areas

In relation to business verticals, the study pointed out the Finance segment with a share of 24.1%; Services and Telecom with 26,1%; Industry with 22.5% (an increase of 18.1% in relation to the previous year); Commerce, 10.6%; Government 5,1%; Oil and Gas, 4.3% and Agroindustry, 2.1%.

  • General IT market

According to the study, the IT market in Brazil, including hardware, software and services, grew 6.7%. In 2014, US$ 2.09 trillion in IT was spent worldwide. At the ranking worldwide, Brazil remained in the 7th position, with investments in the order of US$ 60 billion, 3% of the world market. The United States maintained the leadership with $ 679 billion. China overtook Japan with US $ 201 billion and ranks 2nd in the ranking.

  • Current figures

The survey shows that the number of computers installed in Brazil reached practically 70 million in 2014. The Brazilian IT market also had 120 million Internet users last year.

  • Tendencies

According to the forecasts cited in the study, total revenue from Telecom services, which include mobile solutions and professional costs for corporate networks, will reach US$ 104 billion in 2015. The use of mobile tools will reach 1/3 of the employees of medium and large companies.
Sales of tablets, smartphones and computers combined will represent 45% of IT investments in Brazil, in 2015. The study also foresees an expansion of the security market due to the advancement of the cloud computing, reaching US$ 117 million in Brazil, this year. Infrastructure and cloud services will grow over 50% in the Cloud public in Brazil, in 2015.
In the trends mentioned, the IOT or Internet of Things gains visibility with the forecast of more than 130 million connected products in Brazil and, approximately, half of Latin America. Another point mentioned is related to the development aimed at the 3rd platform: thepplication development edeploymen”Will continue accelerated in 2015, reaching US$ 1,344 million. Already business intelligence and thenalytics are expected to reach US$ 788 million in 2015.
Legislation and economics
The Taxation panel counted on the speakers Dr. Mihoko Sirley Kimura, partner of Tozzini Freire Advogados, and Dr. Manoel Antonio dos Santos, Legal Director of ABES, who spoke about outsourcing costs and short-term tax impacts, respectively. The last panel was conducted by Murillo de Aragão, president of Arko Advice - a political analysis company -, who presented a political-economic vision for Brazil.
About ABES

ABES, the Brazilian Association of Software Companies, is the most representative entity in the sector with around 1,600 associated or associated companies, distributed in 23 Brazilian states, plus the Federal District, responsible for generating more than 120 thousand direct jobs and a turnover annual turnover of US$ 20 billion per year.
The companies associated with ABES represent 85% of the turnover of the software development and commercialization segment in Brazil and 33% of the total turnover of the IT sector, equivalent in 2014 to US$ 60 billion of sales of software, IT services and hardware.
Since its foundation, on September 9, 1986, the entity has exercised the mission of sectorial representation in the legislative and tax areas, in proposing and guiding policies aimed at strengthening the value chain of the Brazilian Software and Services Industry - IBSS, in defense intellectual property and combating piracy of national or international software and supporting initiatives to promote research, development, innovation and the development of national software. Access the ABES Portal - or talk to our Relationship Center: (11) 2161-2833.
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