
*By Ary Silveira Bueno


In a world undergoing complete transformation, there are many and constant necessary adaptations that arise from the complex relationship between People and their Organizations and vice versa. They have led to new terms, concepts and methodologies that are responses to the reality we experience.

This new reality, changing and at great speed, has required a lot of creativity and innovation from People and Organizations, in many aspects.

New terms and concepts of the relationship: People x Organizations

  • There are those who understand that the Person in their Organization needs acquire and dispose of skills hard and soft skills, to obtain the real skills. 
  • Scott Hartley wrote the book in 2017: Fuzzy and Techie: Because the humanities will dominate the digital world.

I wrote about the topic above, in September 2018 article. After almost 6 years, it is surprising to see how changes, digital transformation and technological revolution, have greatly changed the relationship: People x Organizations.

“In a competitive and rapidly changing job market, recruiters are looking for professionals with unique skills and characteristics that they have acquired through personal experiences. After soft skills come “mad skills”, “incredible” or “outstanding” skills, in Portuguese, which involve hobbies or personal interests and which make a professional different and special.”. Forbes 10/24/2023.

Below, six grounds for the Person to have the desirable Purpose to be Protagonist in Innovation and Digital Transformation: Source: BDT   

1 – Develop the Agile Mindset in People and Organizations 

The Agile Mindset is a mentality and a culture, far beyond rites and processes, fundamental for Innovation and Digital Transformation and for the consolidation of Society.  

2 – Change Management for Exponential Organizations

The transformation of traditional organizations into exponential ones and the implementation of a culture of Innovation and Digital Transformation requires robust and assertive change management. 

3 – Transform Conflicts into Results 

The new processes and business models enhanced by Innovation and Digital Transformation trigger a set of changes that can generate different opinions and resistance, which will naturally become conflicts that will need to be dealt with appropriately. 

4 – Consolidate the Organizational Culture of Innovation and Digital Transformation 

Innovation and Digital Transformation require a new repertoire and a new mindset from people and a new culture from organizations based on seven pillars that interact and complement each other in the training of professionals in the new economy.  

They are: ​ 

Customer Focus; Innovation, Data; Collaboration; Open Culture, Digital Fluency and Agility and flexibility.   

5 – Promote Self-Development 

Innovation and Digital Transformation at exponential speed require people to be protagonists of their development, empower themselves and maximize the competitiveness of organizations.  

6 – Operationalize Social Forwarding 

This Foundation seeks to guide Organizations to direct people who will not be able to requalify themselves due to Innovation and Digital Transformation.” 


Stand out, all Team ASPR trained in these skills soft skills, to better meet the growing demands of its Customers.

Always count on the cutting edge of Team ASPR in Management and Governance – Corporate.

*Ary Silveira Bueno, Founder and Director of ASPR, Vice-President of Instituto Brasil Digital and President of the Board of SiNEco – National System of Ecosystems of Digital Brazil

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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