
Sponsored by Amazon, IBM, Sky.One and TOTVS, and curatorship of The Shift, event takes place on the 14th, 15th and 16th of September

São Paulo, August 24, 2021 – ABES – Brazilian Association of Software Companies – will hold the edition of ABES Conference 2021 on September 14, 15 and 16. One of the main events in the sector, this year will bring together renowned experts to address how to achieve digital resilience, avoid what regulations and laws are an obstacle for Brazil, and what skills will be needed to meet the demands of a world in which large-scale automation is inevitable. Full schedule and registration are available The entire event will be translated into pounds.

“This year's theme couldn't be more opportune, the pandemic demonstrated how much we need to be prepared to face unpredictable bad weather. We were hit by a real tsunami, and rolling over became part of the game. In partnership with The Shift, we've prepared an amazing schedule. During the three days, we will learn together through experiences and reflections, how to navigate and capsize in this ocean of challenges”, says Rodolfo Fücher, president of the association.

Each day of the event will explore a different bias: the first meeting will bring themes about digital resilience, the second about the business environment, and the third will address the human factor. This year's edition is sponsored by Amazon, IBM, Sky.One and TOTVS, curated and organized by The Shift. “Discussing the challenges of companies in accelerating the post-pandemic digital transformation, seeking to acquire digital resilience and agility, is one of the most important themes for The Shift as a platform. We consider our participation as organizers of the event's agenda for the second consecutive year, in partnership with ABES, as an important extension of our purpose. It's an honor and a joy to be part of this project,” says Silvia Bassi, Publisher of The Shift, an insights-as-service media platform dedicated to simplifying companies' access to complex information about the new digital economy.

The event is part of the ABES agenda that aims to contribute to the construction of a more digital and less unequal Brazil, in which information technology plays a fundamental role in the democratization of knowledge and the creation of new opportunities for all , in an inclusive and equitable way. Therefore, ABES has worked to ensure a business environment conducive to innovation, ethical, dynamic, sustainable and competitive globally.

SERVICE: ABES Software Conference 2021

Date: September 14th, 15th and 16th

Hour: 3 pm to 6:15 pm


About ABES

ABES, Brazilian Association of Software Companies, aims to contribute to the construction of a more digital and less unequal Brazil, in which information technology plays a fundamental role in the democratization of knowledge and the creation of new opportunities for all. In this sense, it aims to ensure a business environment conducive to innovation, ethical, dynamic, sustainable and globally competitive, always aligned with its mission to connect, guide, protect and develop the Brazilian information technology market.

Since its foundation in September 1986, ABES has sought to be relevant to its associates and a national and international reference in the technology sector. Recently, the entity launched, in partnership with EY, the LGPD diagnosis, a free online tool and the LGPD / ABES index, in order to help companies analyze their level of adequacy with the LGPD (General Data Protection Law) ). Based on the more than 3,000 diagnoses performed, the LGPD ABES index, point out that only about 40% are in compliance with the LGPD, more details visit:

Currently, ABES represents approximately 2,000 companies, 77% of which are micro and small, which account for around 85% of the revenue of the software and services segment in Brazil, distributed in 24 Brazilian states and the Federal District, responsible for generating around 210,000 direct jobs and annual sales of around R$ 80 billion in 2020.

Access the ABES Portal or contact the Relationship Center: +55 (11) 2161-2833.

Press contacts:


Weber Shandwick Brazil –

Janahina Rodrigues – +55 (11) 3027-0271

Paula Boracini - +55 (11) 98415-0314

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