
Reconfigure your thinking for digital transformation

By Henrique Monteiro, commercial director of Seal Telecom Digital transformation is a term that is present in the speech of the largest companies that are looking to modernize their business and continue to grow ...

ABES participation in the ICANN business group

By Paulo Milliet Roque, Vice President of ABES Since the end of 2017, ABES has been approaching the business sector of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the institution responsible for coordinating ...

Pathways to successful meetings

By Reinaldo Passadori, specialist in Verbal Communication Do you know how to participate or hold meetings? These meetings are essential for companies, being occasions for closing contracts, alignments of ...

The era of outdated transactional security systems is over

27/09/2018 By Ricardo Villadiego, Vice President of Security at Cyxtera Imagine a world where interaction with a company is easy and safe. Unfortunately, the virtual world is full of threats that make it difficult to ...

Cities and Digital Transformation

By Sylvio Mode, President of Autodesk Brasil The latest sporting events that put Brazil, and especially Rio de Janeiro, on the global radar were a very important boost for the country's capitals to start investing in ...

Compliance: the consequences of irregular software use

By Thomaz Côrte Real, lawyer specializing in Digital Law * According to data from the BSA Global Software Survey | The Software Alliance, 46% of software installed on Brazilian computers is not properly licensed, which ...

Adoption of DevOps Culture: what is still missing?

By Gabriela Dias, specialist and contributor to the Cloud / Devops community If I needed to answer this question with just one word, it would undoubtedly be: integration. When trying to merge the ...

New technologies arrive in the field

By Daniel Zacher, engineer, general director of Tryber Tecnologia and chairperson of the 10th SAE BRASIL Symposium on Agricultural Machinery The technological evolution of the agricultural market over the ...

Artificial Intelligence and the future of oil

  By Ulisses Mello, director of the Research Laboratory at IBM Brasil In the next 25 years, global energy consumption will increase by 50% and, to meet this growing demand, we will need to develop new energy sources. While...

7 tips for you to have an impeccable stock

By José Claudio Brito, specialist in management software and executive director of ADV Tecnologia Managing stocks can even seem an easy task at first. However, in the middle of the way you end up losing ...

5 ways to boost productivity with artificial intelligence

By Javier Jiménez, President of Magic Software Enterprises Americas The Artificial Intelligence market is expected to have a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of around 52% from 2017 to 2025, according to a report ...

Brasil Digital, the new National Identity Document

By Paulo Milliet Roque, Vice President of ABES It is scheduled for July 2018 to start making the DNI (National Identity Document) available, a digital identity valid throughout the Brazilian territory ...

Cognitive Computing: Transforming IT Operations

By Letícia Missali, Head of Marketing at Dynatrace Latin America As technology and application performance become necessary for business success, companies need to look for ways out ...

BNDES Card as an alternative to foster innovation

By Jamile Sabatini Marques, Director of Innovation and Promotion at ABES Fostering innovation is essential for a country's economic development. Developed nations have increasingly allocated ...

Cloud cost reduction: what is the truth of this promise?

By Luiz Caloi, Director of Data Center and Cloud Computing at Sonda Saying that the data center revolutionizes the way activities, communications and data are managed and stored in companies is redundant. Exalt ...

Hacker activity: cyber crime or science?

By Rodrigo Fragola is CEO of Aker N-Stalker At the end of February, news of the sentencing to three years in prison of Tom Huddlestone (26), due to the creation and sale of a trojan ... was broadcast in the United States.