
Ethics, the company without a knack

By Francisco Camargo * "il n'y a pas de propositions éthiques, il n'y que des actes éthiques" (Ludwig Wittgenstein) "ethics is not made of words, but of acts" (translation ...

How digital transformation can help save lives

By Edna Massuda * The Health sector is one of those that most needs the personal data and history of its customers to offer a complete service. From routine exams to complex check-ups, patient information ...

Interconnect everything to improve business decisions

By * Alejandro Couce The current business environment has transformed each company into a data company. At each stage, they need to interconnect everything with everything to have a better visibility of the data. Outsourcing of information technology ...

6 topics to demystify the LGPD

By Odilon Costa * More than 100 countries have specific laws on data protection (LGPD) for citizens and some have an independent Data Supervisory Authority, with powers to guarantee the ...

The principles of clean architecture

By Rodrigo Werlang * Building software that has quality attributes that increase its reuse and guarantee a simplified evolution and maintenance has always been a technical challenge for many development teams ...

The journey to innovation goes through multicloud

By André Andriolli * Look at the way you consume technology yourself. I bet your cell phone is from a brand, your e-mail account is from another company and when you are going to write texts, I can guarantee that you open the tool in a ...

12 months for LGPD to end its email marketing

By Rafael Viana * I don't know if you heard, but Brazil has a data protection law that will come into force in a year, and if you don't make the necessary changes to adapt to ...

Digital experiences you can offer your customers

Rodney Repullo * As consumers have endless opportunities to shop online, they have the luxury of being extremely demanding. They want to be pampered. If a page takes too long to load, or if they can't see if the ...

Software Registration at INPI: easy, cheap and overlooked

By Dr. Manoel Antonio dos Santos * It is undeniable that the more digitalized the modern society becomes, the greater relevance the software deserves, the main actor in this intoxicating sector, since the computer program is present in everything ...

The future of AI will depend on smart decisions

Photo credit: tamasmatusik on Visualhunt / CC BY-NC-ND * Andriei Gutierrez Around the world questions how the authorities should treat Artificial Intelligence (AI). Should AI be guided by some minimum parameters? It should ...

The National IoT Plan decree was signed. And now?

By Werter Padilha, coordinator of the ABES IoT Committee It was at the stage of defining the theme of this article, when decree nº 9.854 was signed. of June 25, 2019, which instituted the “National Internet Plan of ...

Wearable devices and the future of HR

By Marcello Porto, LG's product director Wearable devices are a trend at international technology fairs and events. According to Gartner predictions, handheld devices ...

Big Data in the logistics industry

  By Alexandre Tunes, Country Manager, InterSystems Brasil The analysis and interpretation of large volumes of unstructured data not only helps us to improve current processes but also serves to ...

Artificial intelligence and the future of insurers

By Alencar Marabiza, commercial and marketing director at Sistran Brasil The last few years have been marked by the accelerated development of new technologies and the improvement of existing ones. We are about to experience innovations ...

The complex relationship between the tax matrix and the IT sector

By Dr. Manoel Antônio dos Santos, legal director of ABES One of these afternoons, at the headquarters of ABES, while we were talking about pleasantries and savoring a coffee and cake, I heard a symptomatic phrase from a businessman from the IT sector who was among us: “Manoel,.. .

How the Public Sector can keep up with Digital Transformation

By Alex Vieira, Vice President of Squadra Tecnologia The advancement of the so-called Digital Era has meant that companies of all sizes and segments need to deal with a constant search for innovation, in search of better results and greater ...

SD-WAN: security and intelligence for corporate networks

By Marcel Mathias, Director of Research and Development at Blockbit The advancement of Cloud Computing has brought a series of competitive advantages for companies. Not by chance, research shows that, in up to two years, ...