ABES and Think Tank articles

Software Registration at INPI: easy, cheap and overlooked

By Dr. Manoel Antonio dos Santos * It is undeniable that the more digitalized the modern society becomes, the greater relevance the software deserves, the main actor in this intoxicating sector, since the computer program is present in everything ...

The future of AI will depend on smart decisions

Photo credit: tamasmatusik on Visualhunt / CC BY-NC-ND * Andriei Gutierrez Around the world questions how the authorities should treat Artificial Intelligence (AI). Should AI be guided by some minimum parameters? It should ...

The complex relationship between the tax matrix and the IT sector

By Dr. Manoel Antônio dos Santos, legal director of ABES One of these afternoons, at the headquarters of ABES, while we were talking about pleasantries and savoring a coffee and cake, I heard a symptomatic phrase from a businessman from the IT sector who was among us: “Manoel,.. .

The challenge of transforming software for cloud adoption

By Lauro de Lauro, marketing director and coordinator of the ABES Saas Committee The great challenge for software companies, founded in past decades, is to live with their extensive codes, processes and methodologies ...

Foster innovation for Brazil to grow again

By Jamile Sabatini Marques, director of Innovation and Promotion at ABES Innovation generates competitiveness in the national and international market, creates new markets and generates new forms of consumption. Encouraging innovation ...

ABES participation in the ICANN business group

By Paulo Milliet Roque, Vice President of ABES Since the end of 2017, ABES has been approaching the business sector of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the institution responsible for coordinating ...

Compliance: the consequences of irregular software use

By Thomaz Côrte Real, lawyer specializing in Digital Law * According to data from the BSA Global Software Survey | The Software Alliance, 46% of software installed on Brazilian computers is not properly licensed, which ...

BNDES Card as an alternative to foster innovation

By Jamile Sabatini Marques, Director of Innovation and Promotion at ABES Fostering innovation is essential for a country's economic development. Developed nations have increasingly allocated ...

There was no change in the tax burden on SaaS

By Manoel Antonio dos Santos, legal director at ABES Regarding the article published on the IPNews Portal, on August 14, entitled "Taxes on cloud software increase by almost 40% in Brazil", ABES (Brazilian Association of Software Companies) clarifies ...

Promotion, innovation and competitiveness

* By Jamile Sabatini Marques That Brazilians are creative people, everyone knows. But taking advantage of this creativity to generate a more competitive country is what we need to improve. Companies that stood out for their creativity were ...