
*By Kaleu Florio

One of the main challenges of academia is overcoming the gap between scientific and practical knowledge, which is so important for placement and professional development.The theory taught in classrooms often does not translate into skills applicable in the corporate environment. And as we adapt to a constantly evolving world, we need to rethink how we prepare young people for the challenges ahead.

Psychologist Viviane Senna, president of the Ayrton Senna Institute, often compares the evolution of schools with other sectors, and helps us reflect on the importance of bringing market reality to universities. She comments that if we were teleported to the 19th century, we would find the same classroom as today, the same blackboard and the same students lined up. It is true that we currently have computers, tablets and cell phones in almost everyone's hands, but it still doesn't seem to be enough.

Salesforce's Connected Student Report survey, carried out with around 2,600 young university students, shows this scenario. According to the study, 47% of students chose the course based on the potential for a good career, but only 11% feel prepared to start working after graduating.

And when we look at accounting, administration and business faculties, for example, this discrepancy intensifies. Much of what is learned at universities is not used by students because it is too theoretical.

Upon arriving at companies, new professionals are faced with a professional practice that is different from what was presented over years of studies, making everything complicated. Forcing you to learn how to use tools that have been part of the market reality for years, but are not covered in classrooms and could very well be part of the class schedule, especially those in the final semesters, periods focused on the applicability of the course.

How can we, then, bring students increasingly closer to corporate activities and familiarize them with the technologies used in everyday business management? It is essential that universities adopt a more practical and oriented approach to the development of professional functions.

Far beyond offering gadgets, this means integrating experiences and providing students with the opportunity to apply their knowledge in relevant contexts.

I understand that one way to address this issue is the proximity between educational institutions and companies that develop platforms and technologies. With this type of partnership, the college can stand out by offering more employability and students can take on more competitive positions, facing the challenges of the profession.

Furthermore, practice not only enriches theoretical understanding but also establishes valuable connections that can create future opportunities. And this integration is not just beneficial to colleges. Companies also benefit from collaborating with educational institutions, as they have the ability to shape and educate the next generation of professionals, according to their specific needs.

In a world where skills change rapidly and innovation is the key to success, it is necessary to improve a growth mindset from an early age and prepare for transformations. It's not just about developing students, but about contributing to the advancement of innovation in our society as a whole and accelerating the rise of the Brazilian market, especially in the small and medium-sized business sector, which in 2023 alone generated around 100 thousand work stations.

*Kaleu Flório, pedagogical coordinator at Omie.Academy

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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