
*By Felipe Nunes

Imagine dealing with dozens of manufacturers and thousands of players within an environment whose rules are constantly updated. It is this challenging scenario that companies from the most diverse sectors have been facing and which now makes IT asset management imperative for business success.

Overcoming areas such as information security and project management, IT asset management is currently considered the biggest concern of corporate leadership, according to a study carried out by Gartner, which also pointed out that the lack of visibility and control over the use of software in organizations is another great challenge.

This is because, given the ease and speed that the cloud – essential for businesses in their digital evolution process – is capable of multiplying assets, managing them becomes more complex, since IT assets comprise the entire technological infrastructure of a company. company. In this sense, licensing, applications, software, devices, equipment and servers directly influence the business results and corporate governance.

In this way, with the asset management of IT it is possible to discover opportunities for improvement in the performance of the company as a whole. One of the opportunities of this management is the review of the licenses related to the servers, which guarantee the best use of this licensing.

In addition, it is also possible to encompass the entire life cycle of software and hardware, designing a follow-up process focused on improving business processes – from performance, product quality and even opportunities for evolution and growth in the market.

In practice 

IT asset management starts from the lowest point important for a company: what is your pain or need. The focus is on understanding where your pain or need is and what goals you want to achieve. From there, the approach focuses on carrying out an inventory of all the assets that the business uses, both hardware and software and licenses.

With this survey, it is possible to carry out a precise analysis of the bottlenecks faced by the company and seek the best solutions for these issues. Then, the optimization phase enters, in which all the necessary changes are applied to improve and guarantee the maximum efficiency of the IT infrastructure of the business.

This strategic work results in optimizing financial return and improving processes. This savings, which can amount to more than 20%, is usually based on three main items: saving, which eliminates previously existing expenses and can reach a cost reduction of up to 30 times; cost avoidance, which excludes anticipated costs that will no longer be needed; It is overhead, the amount of human effort left to spend.

In view of this scenario, far beyond financial return, IT asset management has an important role with regard to regulatory compliance and corporate governance. This is because IT is part of any company's business strategy, capable of supporting decision-making. By analyzing and detailing all the technological resources available in the company, IT asset management ensures the effectiveness and security of organizational processes. That is, it is an indirect economy that can determine the survival or not of a business.

*Felipe Nunes is Director of Services at SoftwareOne, a leading global provider of end-to-end solutions for software and cloud technology.

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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