
IN - Business Intelligence, elected Latin America Master Reseller of the Year 2020 by Qlik, has just launched the IN 2021 Partner Program, aiming to improve the relationship with current distributors and the attraction of new channels. 

“The program aims to clarify some of the requirements that we seek from partners, define performance indicators and update the commissioning policy. We expect partners to take an active stance and we will give them all consultative and strategic support ”, explains André Elias Gonçalves, Director of Indirect Sales. “Our new program provides the commercial partner with more freedom of action, as we do not set geographic, business verticals or customer size limits that they can prospect for,” he adds.

Another novelty is the establishment of partnership levels and related commissioning, with the aim of rewarding partners according to their sales productivity. In addition, IN has expanded the portfolio of products and services that partners will be able to market, making available, in addition to Qlik solutions, the offering of courses from Academia IN and the extension of Managed Services IN to maximize customer service.

“We hope that our distribution channels will invest in communication and inbound marketing strategies, such as the use of social networks and methodologies for lead generation. They must have technical and commercial teams dedicated and prepared for a competitive market in which they will offer Qlik, a global leader in solutions for Analytics & Business Intelligence ”, adds André. 

Founded in 2004, IN - Business Intelligence is an award-winning Master Reseller from Qlik in Brazil, which is part of the IN Group, along with 4 other companies: INGov, which offers Qlik solutions for creating a public Data Driven management; The Academia IN, a company providing personalized training on Business Intelligence and Analytics; A10, a business unit that offers modern solutions in the areas of Analytics, Business Intelligence, Big Data and Predictive Analysis; and A10 School, a data and business school that was born with the purpose of expanding data literacy for digital transformation. 

IN - Business Intelligence has its own team with more than 70 employees, more than 800 customers served throughout Brazil and about 450 thousand hours of development consultancy. Records successful cases for companies in different segments, among them are: Hospital Sírio Libanês, Bradesco, Grupo Fleury, CCR, Marcopolo, Gol Cia. Aérea, Nestlé, among others.

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