
Marcelo Almeida, Director of Government Relations at ABES, defended the importance of training and inclusion in the technological market during a public hearing in the Federal Senate, held by the Science and Technology Commission this Wednesday (03/07). He argued that these actions are fundamental to building a more digital and less unequal Brazil. The session was led by senators Fernando Dueire and Astronauta Marcos Pontes.

In his analysis, Marcelo highlighted that it is essential to establish specific programs that address both qualification in technical skills and soft skills, thus allowing young people and adults to fully integrate into the technological universe. This sector, according to him, works as a powerful engine for the country's socioeconomic development. He sees the Brazilian technology market becoming a global reference, thanks to its enormous potential.

ABES, the entity it represents, believes that professional training is a strong instrument to reduce social and economic inequality, benefiting not only the formal job market, but also the well-being of the population as a whole.

In addition to Marcelo Almeida, the audience was attended by important leaders in the technology sector: Mariana Giostri Rolim, representing Brasscom; Christian Tadeu, from the Assespro Federation; Yves Nogueira, from Softex Pernambuco; and André Barrence, from Google for Startups.

For those interested in watching the hearing in full, the video is available at the link: [](

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