
Brazil has invested to be a protagonist in the international trade of agricultural products and to supply the domestic market. Investments in digital technologies are essential for mitigating the effects of climate change and preserving the environment.

in this International Roundtable Innovations in Agribusinessscheduled for 08/11, at 8:30 am, ABES will bring together experts from Brazil and Israel, who will talk about the new technologies being applied in the agribusiness production chain and how they are revolutionizing the sector and improving the quality of production agriculture, sustainable use of soil and natural resources, and increased productivity.

Our line up It's formed by:

Silvia Massruha

General Head and Researcher at Embrapa Informática Agropecuária

André Koji Fukugauti

Bayer's Open Innovation Project Manager in Latin America

Marco Faldini


Amir Szuster

VP of Sales of Agretask

Rodolfo Fücher

President of ABES

Ensure your participation now and learn about the advances, opportunities and challenges of new technologies in Agribusiness. Free registration. Event with translation into pounds by Zoom.

This is an event in line with ABES' purpose of contributing to the construction of a Brazil More Digital and Less Unequal. We recognize that it is the association's role to ensure a business environment conducive to innovation, ethical, dynamic, sustainable and globally competitive.

Registration through the link:

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