
ABES announces the holding of a new edition of the General Data Protection Law Training: Introduction and Best Practices“. This training, which is part of a continuous effort by ABES to consolidate the culture of personal data protection in Brazil, will be carried out online and live on the day July 26, 2024, from 8 am to 12 pm. Participation is free and exclusive to representatives of member companies, providing a unique opportunity for practical and interactive in-depth study of the topic.

The training will address the main pillars of the General Data Protection Law (LGPD – Law 13,709/18), ensuring that employees and representatives of associated companies understand how the legislation impacts their work routines. The program is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of legal requirements and data security best practices.

Thomaz Côrte Real, ABES Legal Consultant and training coordinator, reinforces the association's commitment to training professionals: “Our objective is to provide guidance on the necessary security measures and fundamental good practices to ensure compliance with the LGPD. We want to help companies manage personal data appropriately, avoiding risks to privacy and potential legal sanctions”, he states. He adds: “We hope that this specialized training will not only clarify doubts, but also inspire a positive change in companies’ internal processes, promoting a culture of respect for privacy and information security.”

 The group of instructors includes the participation of Daniella Caverni, Co-Leader of the Data Protection GT and partner at EFCAN Advogados; Francisco Espuny, specialist in Systems and Privacy and Data Protection, with extensive experience in the Health Area; and Carlos Reolon: Project Manager for LGPD at IBM.

With a 4-hour program, the training aims to enable participants to implement best practices in handling personal data, thus strengthening public trust and preventing possible legal penalties. The expectation is that the knowledge acquired during training will directly reflect on the improvement of corporate processes, ensuring greater compliance with the standards established by the LGPD.


Event: Training on LGPD: Introduction and Good Practices

Date: July 26, 2024

Hour: 8am to 12pm (Brasília time)

Enrollment: Exclusive for representatives of companies associated with ABES

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