
The document gathers information on the main financing mechanisms and programs or tax incentives in the country and provides tips to support companies in combating the impacts of the pandemic

ABES – Brazilian Association of Software Companies – and ABGI, a consultancy specializing in tax incentives, innovation management and financial management, launch the 3rd edition of the Guide to Foster Innovation for the ICT Sector. The document gathers information on the country's main financing mechanisms and programs or tax incentives, and includes measures to support the productive sector in combating the impacts of Covid-19.

The Guide, which was updated with data until June 2021, aims to guide innovative entrepreneurs, demonstrating what is available in the market, according to the types of resources and target audience, and already considering the financeable items of each line of promotion. “It is necessary that Brazil, through its agencies, increasingly encourages the competitiveness of its companies by developing programs to encourage innovation and, consequently, generating economic development. Therefore, we want to help companies and provide an instrument so that they can identify those that best suit their business and market objectives”, says Jamile Sabatini Marques, Director of Innovation and Development at ABES.

For Thiago Samarino, ABGi's Innovation Manager, despite being directed at the ICT Sector, the Guide manages to reach the industry as a whole and facilitates the entrepreneur's vision, as it provides guidance on where to find opportunities. "The challenge is to understand them and use them strategically, in line with the company's project portfolio", says the executive.

ABES and ABGI believe that fostering innovation is essential for Brazil's economic and social development, especially in light of the new knowledge society and the current digital transformation process. Furthermore, information technology plays a fundamental role in the democratization of knowledge and the creation of new opportunities for all, in an inclusive and equitable manner.

The 3rd edition of the Guide to Fostering Innovation for the ICT Sector can be found on the website:

About ABES

ABES, Brazilian Association of Software Companies, aims to contribute to the construction of a more digital and less unequal Brazil, in which information technology plays a fundamental role in the democratization of knowledge and the creation of new opportunities for all. In this sense, it aims to ensure a business environment conducive to innovation, ethical, dynamic, sustainable and globally competitive, always aligned with its mission to connect, guide, protect and develop the Brazilian information technology market.

Since its foundation in September 1986, ABES has sought to be relevant to its members and a national and international reference in the technology sector. Recently, the entity launched, in partnership with EY, the LGPD diagnosis, a free online tool and the LGPD/ABES index, with the objective of helping companies to analyze their level of adequacy with the LGPD (General Data Protection Law ). Based on more than 3,000 diagnoses carried out, the LGPD ABES index, indicate that around only 40% are in compliance with the LGPD, for more details, visit:

Currently, ABES represents approximately 2 thousand companies, which total about 85% of the software and services segment's revenue in Brazil, distributed in 24 Brazilian States and the Federal District, responsible for the generation of more than 210 thousand direct jobs and annual revenue of the order of R$ 80 billion in 2020.

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