
Virtual meeting takes place on the 17th, at 8:30 am, with the participation of Professor Capito who will discuss the importance of agile management methodologies, as a way of survival and ensuring business competitiveness

São Paulo, March 16, 2021 - ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies and Fundação Dom Cabral (FDC) organize the next virtual meeting of the association's series of Cafés. Next Wednesday, “Café Ágil by FDC Accelerate organizing your business” will debate the importance of management, present more used agile management models, ways to implement them and their challenges. The event will take place on March 17th, at 8:30 am, and will include the participation of special guest José Antonio P. Capito, associate professor at FDC. Entries must be made on here and participation is free.

The event is the result of a recent partnership between ABES and FDC that aims to carry out the “Management Diagnosis”, a survey made available to ABES member companies, through which it will be possible to identify the challenges and critical issues to develop companies in this segment . The survey, which brings about 50 questions distributed in the economic-financial sub-themes, market, internal processes and technology, customers and people for analysis, also includes companies from FDC's PAN (Growth Acceleration Program), which has the goal of helping to develop companies with a turnover of between R ﹩ 2 and R ﹩ 15 million per year, in addition to other companies in development.

“The meeting with the renowned Professor Capito will bring an extremely important discussion for all entrepreneurs, about the importance of using agile management models. The dynamics of business changed radically, and was accelerated by the pandemic. Businesses that do not adopt new models will certainly be left behind, losing competitiveness. At ABES, we are committed to helping our associates in this process of change. The partnership with FDC is extremely important to help the market in this process ”, explains Rodolfo Fücher, president of the association.

“The agile management model is gaining more and more relevance, mainly in the scenario of pandemic and digitalization of work. It is a worldwide trend. At the meeting, we will discuss how to implement this model in the most appropriate way for companies in the software sector, ”says Capito.

SERVICE: Café Agile by FDC

Date: March 17th

Hour: 8:30 am


About ABES

ABES, Brazilian Association of Software Companies, aims to contribute to the construction of a more digital and less unequal Brazil, in which information technology plays a fundamental role in the democratization of knowledge and the creation of new opportunities for all. In this sense, it aims to ensure a business environment conducive to innovation, ethical, dynamic, sustainable and globally competitive, always aligned with its mission to connect, guide, protect and develop the Brazilian information technology market.

Since its foundation in September 1986, ABES has sought to be relevant to its associates and a national and international reference in the technology sector. Recently, the entity launched in partnership with EY, the LGPD diagnosis, a free online tool and the LGPD / ABES index, in order to help companies analyze their level of adequacy with the LGPD (General Data Protection Law) ). Based on the more than 2 thousand diagnoses performed, the LGPD ABES index, point out that only about 40% are in compliance with the LGPD, more details visit:

Currently, ABES represents approximately 2 thousand companies, totaling around 85% of the software and services segment revenue in Brazil, distributed in 22 Brazilian states and the Federal District, responsible for the generation of more than 208 thousand direct jobs and an annual revenue around 63.7 billion in 2019.

Access the ABES Portal – or contact the Relationship Center: +55 (11) 2161-2833.

About Dom Cabral Foundation

Fundação Dom Cabral is a Brazilian business school that for over 40 years has had the mission of contributing to the sustainable development of society through education, training and development of executives, entrepreneurs and public managers. In 2020, the institution ranked 9th in the executive education ranking of the British newspaper Financial Times. In this way, it consolidated its position as the best business school in Latin America and the best placed in Brazil.

In 2019 alone, more than 20 thousand professionals passed through FDC, including executives, businessmen and public managers. In the social field, FDC develops initiatives for the development, training and consolidation of projects, leaders and social organizations, contributing to the strengthening and achievement of the results intended by these entities.

In 2020, the executive school launched the Social Center Cardinal Dom Serafim, designed to support people in situations of social vulnerability, entrepreneurs at the bottom of the pyramid, managers of social organizations and social organizations themselves, through development and training, in addition to a program scholarship.

Press contacts:


Weber Shandwick Brasil -

Paula Boracini - +55 (11) 98415-0314

Fernanda Araujo - +55 (11) 97205-7806

Dom Cabral Foundation

FSB Communication

Carina Morpurgo

Maria Izabel Guimarães

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