
Jorge Sukarie, chairman of the board of ABES, will participate, on the 24th, in a debate on tax issues that hinder the planning of companies
Jorge Sukarie, chairman of the board of ABES (Brazilian Association of Software Companies), is one of the speakers at the 16th edition of TI Rio Info, held on the next 24th and 25th of September, at the Sulamérica Convention Center, in Cidade Nova, Zona central of Rio de Janeiro. The event is the main one dedicated to Information Technology (IT) held annually in the State of Rio de Janeiro and one of the most important in the country. Sukarie will participate in the panel "Tax issues that hinder the planning of our companies", scheduled for the 24th, at 4 pm. Registrations can be made through the link.
Other important names in the technology sector will share the stage with Sukarie: Gilberto Martins de Almeida, United Nations consultant on Internet laws; and Ricardo Lodi Ribeiro, president of the Brazilian Society of Tax Law - SBDT; in addition to the moderator Gerino Xavier da Silva Filho; General Secretary of Fenainfo (National Federation of Computer Companies). The debate between the three is part of the debate forum "IT - in the post-electoral future".
The panel will focus on conflicts between tax spheres - especially state and municipal ones - in the collection of conflicting taxes, in addition to the threats of changes in the collection of social security charges from 2020. The issue gained strength with the publication of Convention 106 of the CONFAZ (National Council for Farm Policy) authorizing the collection of ICMS for the software sector.
"Complementary Law 116, of 2003, clearly establishes the charging of ISS for software, and the eventual collection of ICMS would represent a double taxation, which is not allowed by the Brazilian Constitution. Many states, including São Paulo, seeking a increase in its collection, it has followed this orientation of CONFAZ, starting to tax companies. Several actions contest this decision and the sector is waiting for a solution to this impasse within the scope of the STF ", comments Jorge Sukarie.
Legal uncertainty in Brazil is one of the biggest challenges for entrepreneurs. ABES, throughout its history, has always been engaged in discussing and participating in the regulatory frameworks of the sector, especially taxation. Since the beginning of this offensive by the States, we have been firmly opposed to double taxation, pointing out the legal instruments that support our understanding, and have been promoting actions to settle this discussion in the Supreme Federal Court. Last year we launched the & #39; FORA ICMS & #39; which has been acting on several fronts to enforce the Constitution and settle once and for all this discussion that afflicts the sector so much ", complements the ABES executive.
Panel "Tax issues that hinder the planning of our companies"
Part of the "IT - in the post-election future" Forum, in the 16th edition of TI Rio Info
Date: September 24
Opening hours: from 16h to 18h
Location: Sulamérica Convention Center - Av. Paulo de Frontin, 1 - Cidade Nova, Rio de Janeiro - RJ
            Press Release / ABES
About ABES
ABES has about 2 thousand associated and associated companies, distributed in 23 Brazilian states and in the Federal District, companies responsible for generating more than 200 thousand direct jobs and an annual turnover of around US$ 24 billion per year.
Founded on September 9, 1986, the entity carries out the mission of sectorial representation in the legislative and tax areas, in proposing and guiding policies aimed at strengthening the value chain of the Information Technology sector, defending intellectual property and combating piracy of national or international software and in support of initiatives to promote research, development, innovation and the development of national software.
For more informations
ABES Portal - or the Relationship Center: (11) 2161-2833.

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