
The event will feature special participation of Carolina Morandini from Wayra Brasil, Rodrigo Galvão from Oracle, and Mariane Guerra from ADP SYSTEMS on September 14, 15 and 16

ABES – Brazilian Association of Software Companies – will bring together big names in the technology sector in this year's edition of the ABES Conference, which takes place on September 14, 15 and 16. With the days divided between the themes: digital resilience, business environment and human factor, the meeting is sponsored by Amazon, IBM, Sky.One and TOTVS, curated and organized by The Shift. The full schedule and registration are available at The entire event will be translated into pounds.

During the 3-day conference, guests will analyze and debate how to achieve digital resilience, prevent regulations and laws from being an obstacle for Brazil, and what skills will be needed to face the demands of a world in which large-scale automation it's inevitable.

The first day will focus on digital resilience and speakers will debate themes focusing on pragmatic innovation and disruption as a corporate practice, such as mastering emerging technologies and digital business. “It's hard to think about the future within a corporation if we don't think about digital transformation and innovation. This topic has been discussed a lot, especially in the areas of innovation, as companies seek to sustain themselves from these emerging technologies. An example is 5G, artificial intelligence, maching learning, IOt, which are increasingly present in the daily lives of corporations. Therefore, I believe that if a company does not think about innovation, it is very difficult for it to sustain itself in the long term and it may even die, as today the market also asks for this a lot”, says Carolina Morandini, head of portfolio management & scout startups at Wayra Brasil, who will talk about innovation, sustainability, digital transformation and possible futures on that day.

The next day, the theme will be business environments, where the valuation of workers on demand, the journey to create sustainable income in the new digital economy and the urgency of tax reform will be debated. Rodrigo Galvão, president of Oracle Latin America, will be the highlight of the day and will speak about the valorization of workers on demand.

On the third and final day of the conference, the focus will be on the human factor, where speakers will talk about how HR can be a key player in the digital transformation, Reeskiling and Upskiling as a workforce for the new economy and how to train more professionals of technology. “The resilience of your workforce is directly proportional to the resilience of your organization, putting people at the center of the digital transformation,” said Mariane Guerra, Vice President of HR at ADP SYSTEMS, who will be the keynote speaker that day.

The 2021 edition of the ABES Software Conference will be entirely online and will also feature the participation of Alexandre Frankel, founder of Vitacon; Camila Fernandez Achutti, CEO of Mastertech; Celson Placido, Partner and CIO at Warren; Livia Pozzi, director of operations at 99; Ney Santos, head of digital transformation at Suzano; Mariane Guerra, vice president of HR at ADP Systems; Diego Barreto, VP of Finance and Strategy at iFood; Andre Menezes, Co-Founder and CEO of Next Gen Foods; Ana Cláudia, PhD, CFP ®, TEP ® and Parner at Utmi Advogados; Carolina Sevciuc, Digital Transformation & Innovation & Sustainability at Nestlé; Sofia Esteves, president of the Board of Cia de Talentos/; Jorge Sukarie, VP of the ABES Board of Directors; Guilherme Horn, Director of Strategy and Innovation at Banco BV; Ricardo Brandão, CEO and Founder of Sky.One; Francisco Camargo, Chairman of the Deliberative Council of ABES; Jeni Shih, Ecosystem Enablement of IBM Technology Sales, Americas; Ellen Carbonari, economist and co-founder and head of Social Innovation at Semente Negócios; Hugo Tadeu, professor of Innovation & Digital Transformation at Fundação Dom Cabral; Thiago Camargo Lopes, Technology Director at Prospectiva and Former National Secretary for Digital Policies; Rodolfo Fücher, president of ABES; Fred Santoro, Head of Startups at AWS BR; Fernando Perobelli, full professor at UFRJ; Paulo Milliet Roque, vice president of ABES; Washington Coelho, Tax Partner at EY; Sergio Paulo Gallindo, President of Brasscom; and Adriano Mussa, PhD from Dean&Partner at Saint Paul Business School and LIT.

SERVICE: ABES Software Conference 2021

Date: September 14th, 15th and 16th

Hour: 3 pm to 6:15 pm


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