
Astronaut and Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation talks about Brazil's potential for technological innovations during the announcement of the winners of the Ambassador and Protagonist Brazil, Digital Country Awards

São Paulo, September 17, 2021 – The ABES Conference 2021 “Exponential waves and digital resilience” had its third and last day yesterday, Thursday (16), with the motto “human factor in digital transformation”. Sponsored by Amazon, IBM, Oracle, Sky.One and TOTVS, and curated by The Shift, the event featured the participation of Mariane Guerra, Vice President of HR at ADP SYSTEMS, who spoke about the importance of resilience and engagement in a decade of continual change and how HR is a key player in the digital transformation. Chosen as one of the Ambassadors Brazil, Digital Country, astronaut and Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Marcos Pontes spoke about Brazil's potential to become a protagonist in artificial intelligence and the importance of education, science, startups and preparation of professionals for the development of technologies. The three-day event is available on the ABES on YouTube .

The first roundtable of the meeting discussed the importance of Reeskiling and Upskiling of the workforce for the new economy. For Danielle Andrade, Head Univerisity of TOTVS, the development of technology is still a great challenge. “Including people and a knowledge agenda in this technology industry is a crucial factor, because it is in our everyday business conversations”, says the executive. Sofia Esteves, chairman of the Board of Grupo Cia de Talentos/, highlighted the need for adaptation, “it is necessary to reframe learning and explain to professionals why we need to work on new skills and capabilities in this new world and what this means for the person". Speakers also pointed out the importance of keeping up to date as technology is constantly changing. Jeni Shih, Ecosystem Enablement of IBM Technology Sales in the Americas, pointed out that “companies have a responsibility to provide professional training for those who are still in schools and universities, because technology has accelerated so much that we have created this skill gap that is so we speak”. And Paul Ferreira, professor of Strategic Management at FDC, reinforced the change that the pandemic has brought to the internal development of professionals: “Despite the crisis and the severe economic implications faced by most companies, one thing we have noticed in research is that most employers realized it was the perfect time to expand their teams' skill sets, particularly in softskills, short-term help and productivity.”

Ana Inoue, Itaú Educação e Trabalho's Superintendent, was the special interviewee of the day and spoke about the possibilities of having a more inclusive education and how it is necessary to look at young people. “We are facing a moment in which people and what they know are the great current capitals. I believe that what will change the world is intellectual and human capital. So, we need to think about what environment we have to create so that young people can take their place and bring quality education”, says the executive.

The second panel of the event brought renowned industry leaders to talk about how to train more technology professionals in the so-called “innovation at the crossroads”. According to Camila Fernandez Achutti, CEO of Mastertech, the best strategy to discover how to renew the skills of professionals in a competitive way is testing. “It is non-negotiable to be empirical. We have to be protagonists and, from the point of view of companies, we have to provide the content. We need to reinvent ourselves and organizations have an obligation to upskilling and reskilling professionals. Education became a necessity and no longer a benefit”, he explains. For Carla Alvez, Vice President of Human Resources at Oracle Latin America, professionals need to update themselves all the time, especially in technology: “It is an area that is constantly changing. Therefore, when hiring, we need to think about whether we need to hire professionals who are ready or willing to learn. We can work on training within the company itself”. Tatiana Tucunduva Cortese, professor of the Master's Program in Smart Cities at Uninove, says that “the strategy that yields the most results in the training of professionals in the technology sector is the partnership between higher education institutions and companies. We live in a country of immense inequality on which the pandemic has cast a spotlight. And facing diversity and inclusion is the solution for us to reduce the difference that is reflected in the market”. Sergio Paulo Gallindo, President of Brasscom, reinforced that it is important to combat this inequality with public policies and Adriano Mussa, PhD, Dean & Partner at Saint Paul Business School and LIT recalls that only 37% of Brazilian employees have knowledge about important tools for digital transformation .

Finally, the winners of the Embaixador and Protagonista Brasil, País Digital awards were announced. With annual periodicity, the award is divided into two categories. The first of them, "Protagonist Brazil, Digital Country" is decided by public vote and people from the government, private sector organizations, academia or the third sector who stood out during the year through their projects, actions or contributions compete. social impact initiatives. They were: Alan Leite, CEO, Startup Farm; José Gontijo, Director of the Department of Science, Technology and Digital Innovation at the Secretariat for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (SEMPI) – Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI); Miriam Wimmer, Director, National Data Protection Authority – ANPD; Rony Vainzof, Director of the Department of Defense and Security, FIESP and Data Protection Consultant, Fecomercio/SP; Silvana Bahia, Executive Co-Director, Olabi.

And in the category “Ambassador Brazil, Digital Country”, he named people who stood out in projects that promote digital and inclusive transformation in Brazil in 2021, selected by a committee. Those chosen were: Igor Calvet, President at the Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development – ABDI; Marcos Pontes, Astronaut and Minister of Science, Technology; Saul Tourinho Leal, Partner at Ayres Britto Consultoria Jurídica e Advocacia; Federal Deputy Luisa Canziani; Rodolfo Fücher, president of ABES.

About ABES

ABES, Brazilian Association of Software Companies, aims to contribute to the construction of a more digital and less unequal Brazil, in which information technology plays a fundamental role in the democratization of knowledge and the creation of new opportunities for all. In this sense, it aims to ensure a business environment conducive to innovation, ethical, dynamic, sustainable and globally competitive, always aligned with its mission to connect, guide, protect and develop the Brazilian information technology market.

In line with its purpose, ABES launched the “Mobilization for the Reduction of Inequality” in partnership with ReUrbi and the Third Sector Observatory, and with the support of Weber Shandwick, whose objective is to support social inclusion projects that promote training in the area. digital, through the resources obtained by recycling IT equipment discarded by companies. This initiative is in line with recent discussions at the climate summit, and in line with the 8 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations Global Compact, and the best ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) practices . To participate in this mobilization, go to:

Currently, ABES represents approximately 2,000 companies, 77% of which are micro and small, which account for around 85% of the revenue of the software and services segment in Brazil, distributed in 24 Brazilian states and the Federal District, responsible for generating around 210,000 direct jobs and annual sales of around R$ 80 billion in 2020.

Access the ABES Portal or contact the Relationship Center: +55 (11) 2161-2833.

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