
Conference will take place on the next 14, 15 and 16 days and will be sponsored by AWS, IBM, Oracle, Sky.One and TOTVS

ABES – Brazilian Association of Software Companies – will hold another edition of the ABES Conference on September 14, 15 and 16 with the theme “Exponential Waves and Digital Resilience”. This year, the event will be sponsored by Amazon Web Services (AWS), IBM, Oracle, Sky.One and TOTVS, curated and organized by The Shift. The full schedule and registration are available at The entire event will be translated into pounds.

At this year's meeting, industry leaders and experts will be meeting to discuss how to achieve digital resilience, prevent regulations and laws from being an obstacle for Brazil, and what skills will be needed to meet the demands of a world in which automation is on a large scale. scale is inevitable. Each day of the event will explore a different bias: the first meeting will bring themes about digital resilience, the second about the business environment, and the third will address the human factor.

To carry out all the dynamics of this important event for the sector, ABES will have the help of large companies. One of them is Amazon Web Services, present in Brazil since 2011, a company offering the most comprehensive and widely adopted cloud computing in the world. AWS has been expanding its services to support virtually any workload in the cloud and now has more than 200 fully featured services for processing, storage, database, networking, analytics, robotics, machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), Internet das Things (IoT), among other services. “AWS has contributed to the innovation of Brazilian clients, from startups to the largest national banks, including sectors such as retail, healthcare, entertainment, education and government agencies. There is still a lot of potential for growth and expansion in the cloud market, and expanding discussions on digital transformation is essential for business”, says Cleber Morais, general director for the corporate sector at AWS in Brazil.

Another company that has a marked presence at the event is IBM. A global technology and innovation company with an extensive portfolio of technology and consulting services, collaboration and predictive analytics software, systems development and management, in addition to the most advanced servers and supercomputers in the world. “By throwing light on the theme 'Exponential Waves and Digital Resilience', ABES reinforces its position as one of the main interlocutors of the sector in the processes of transformation and digital literacy. In the information age, by stimulating a deep synchrony between the needs of human beings and the countless possibilities provided by technology, we are contributing to business development, inclusion opportunities and to the construction of a regulatory environment that enables progress and innovation." says Fabio Rua, Director of Government Relations and Regulatory Affairs, IBM Latin America.

The event will also have the support of Sky.One, a technology company that offers the software market several platforms that transform its management systems, from the evolution to the cloud to the expansion of services. “We at Sky.One see three main challenges for companies to adapt to the new scenario: shortage of qualified labor, increasingly sophisticated cyber attacks and loss of strategic information for the business due to lack of integration between the software used. For a company to be truly competitive, digital and automated, we defend that all these concepts need to be taken off the paper. Here, we guarantee, through the cloud, a flexible, modern and scalable technological infrastructure. In addition, we ensure the intelligent exchange of information through data integration. Our mission is to provide the necessary technological support, so that your internal team can focus on what really matters to your business and thus reach its full growth potential”, explains Raquel Padovese, Head of Marketing at Sky.One.

Also participating in the meeting's programming, TOTVS, one of the largest technology companies in Brazil, operates far beyond ERP with a complete portfolio of systems and platforms for managing companies in 12 market segments, financial services and business performance solutions. “The pandemic accelerated the digital transformation, the arrival of the future and its challenges. Brazil needs to have its environment prepared to move competitively in the international community and for this the participation of civil society in the construction of public policies that bring solutions to these challenges, legal and cyber security for business and conditions for improvement in the training and retention of talents in ICT will be essential”, declares Ariela Zanetta, Institutional and Government Relations Leader at TOTVS.

The 2021 edition of the ABES Software Conference will be entirely online and will also feature the participation of Alexandre Frankel, founder of Vitacon; Camila Fernandez Achutti, CEO of Mastertech; Celson Placido, Partner and CIO at Warren; Livia Pozzi, director of operations at 99; Ney Santos, head of digital transformation at Suzano; Mariane Guerra, vice president of HR at ADP Systems; Diego Barreto, VP of Finance and Strategy at iFood; Andre Menezes, Co-Founder and CEO of Next Gen Foods; Ana Cláudia, PhD, CFP ®, TEP ® and Parner at Utmi Advogados; Carolina Sevciuc, Digital Transformation & Innovation & Sustainability at Nestlé; Sofia Esteves, president of the Board of Cia de Talentos/; Jorge Sukarie, VP of the ABES Board of Directors; Guilherme Horn, Director of Strategy and Innovation at Banco BV; Ricardo Brandão, CEO and Founder of Sky.One; Francisco Camargo, Chairman of the Deliberative Council of ABES; Jeni Shih, Ecosystem Enablement of IBM Technology Sales, Americas; Ellen Carbonari, economist and co-founder and head of Social Innovation at Semente Negócios; Hugo Tadeu, professor of Innovation & Digital Transformation at Fundação Dom Cabral; Thiago Camargo Lopes, Technology Director at Prospectiva and Former National Secretary for Digital Policies; Rodolfo Fücher, president of ABES; Fred Santoro, head of AWS Startups in Brazil; Fernando Perobelli, full professor at UFRJ; Paulo Milliet Roque, vice president of ABES; Washington Coelho, Tax Partner at EY; Sergio Paulo Gallindo, President of Brasscom; and Adriano Mussa, PhD from Dean&Partner at Saint Paul Business School and LIT.

SERVICE: ABES Software Conference 2021

Date: September 14th, 15th and 16th

Hour: 3 pm to 6:15 pm


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