
ABES ACADEMY, the education and continuing education sector of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies, is open for enrollment for the first class of 2021 of the General Data Protection Law course: fundamentals and implementation. With 100% online, the course will be taught by highly qualified professionals who bring legal, technical and practical knowledge and experience in relation to data protection, privacy and information security. There will be 8 classes, from 4 pm to 7 pm, from 02/22 to 03/04, with a total workload of 24 hours. Places are limited and registration is available on the website:—lei-geral-de-protecao-de-dados-fundamentos-e-implementacao__1105713

According to Thomaz Côrte Real, the association's legal advisor and one of the course's speakers, it is important to foster the interest of companies in the subject to guide them on how to comply with the law. “This course is one of the few that addresses both issues involving legal and technical implementation, so it is a complete tool for those who need to learn and stay in compliance. There is no more time to lose, organizations need to adapt as quickly as possible ”, he says.

SERVICE: Course: “General Data Protection Law: Fundamentals and Implementation”

Date: 2/22 to 3/4

Hour: 4 pm to 7 pm


ABES - Press contacts:

Weber Shandwick Brasil -

Paula Boracini - +55 (11) 98415-0314

Fernanda Araujo - +55 (11) 97205-7806

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