
Removed content increased by 11% over the same period last year. Action was carried out by internet monitoring by ABES (Brazilian Association of Software Companies)

In the first half of this year, ABES (Brazilian Association of Software Companies) removed 45,374 illegal content from the internet - 11% more than the same period last year. The action has been taking place since 2005 and is carried out through the association's Internet Monitoring work, which aims to track irregular software offers on the internet from companies associated with the entity that violate intellectual property rights.
Of the more than 45,000 content removed, 24,578 are ads and 1,419 advertisers on auction sites, an increase of 22% compared to 2018. 19,330 links were also removed, which represents a decrease of 2%. The entity also analyzed several sites throughout the year and removed 46, representing an increase of 39%.
Software piracy is the practice of illegally reproducing a computer program, without the express authorization of the owner of the work and, consequently, without the use license. "It is important to clarify to society the risks of acquiring illegal software or applications, because, in addition to vulnerability to viruses, software usually does not receive constant updates, and without proper updating, the user is vulnerable to attacks, hijacking and data theft This increase in the availability of illegal software may justify the result of Trend Micro's Fast Facts report, in which Brazil is in second place in the ranking of countries most affected by ransomware, with 10,64% of global threats ", explains Rodolfo Fücher, president of ABES.
The association has already managed to take down more than 687,000 illegal content since the monitoring began. In addition to the monitoring itself, the entity has the support of the partnership of the PPPI - Intellectual Property Protection Program, of the Free Market, which promotes the removal of pirated products advertised within its portal.


About ABES
ABES, Brazilian Association of Software Companies, represents approximately 2 thousand companies, which total about 85% of the turnover of the software and services segment in Brazil, distributed in 23 Brazilian states and the Federal District, responsible for the generation of more than 205 thousand direct jobs and annual turnover of R$ 61 billion in 2018.
Since its foundation, in September 1986, the entity has sought to be relevant to its members and a national and international reference in the technology sector, always aligned with its mission to connect, guide, protect and develop the Brazilian ICT sector. It offers its members various benefits and services, such as certificates, legal advisors and events. It has several thematic committees to discuss issues in evidence and define guidelines for action.
It is a reference as a source of data for the sector and focuses its actions in the legal, tax, regulatory, compliance and innovation promotion areas, among others. ABES promotes entrepreneurship, aims to improve the business environment and competitiveness and strives for a more digital and less unequal Brazil.
Access the ABES Portal - or talk to our Relationship Center: +55 (11) 2161-2833.

ABES - Press contacts:
Weber Shandwick Brasil
PABX: (11) 3027-0200 / 3531-4950
Erika Borges  - Telephone: (11) 3027-0212
Marina Faria  - Telephone (11) 3027-0241
Ana Jones  - Telephone: (11) 3027-0200 Extension 312

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