  • Company supports professional qualification in information and communication technology for 240 students from the public education network in Barueri and Diadema;
  • The goal of the initiative is to send at least 30% of young graduates to selection processes to support entry into the job market.


Disclosure | Ana Carolina David, communication, sustainability and institutional relations manager at ISA CTEEP, receives recognition from IOS for the partnership signed.

ISA CTEEP, leader in energy transmission in Brazil, announces the partnership signed with Instituto Oportunidade Social (IOS), a non-profit organization dedicated to offering quality professional training for young people in situations of social vulnerability, aged between 15 and 29 years old, who are studying or have already completed high school, and people with disabilities from the age of 16, with no age limit, with a focus on providing insertion into the job market.

Through the Child and Adolescent Support Fund, the company supports training in information and communication technology for 240 students from the public education network in Barueri and Diadema, SP. The goal is to forward at least 30% of these young people to selection processes. Last year, of the 1945 graduates, 66% were employed (1264), which generated an increase of 65% in the family income of young people in the period.  

“At ISA CTEEP, through the Conexões Desenvolvimento Program, we are committed to contributing to projects that support education and vocational training. We believe that access to professional training is an important step towards generating opportunities and promoting social development”, declares Ana Carolina David, communication, sustainability and institutional relations manager at ISA CTEEP.

In addition to São Paulo, IOS has units distributed across Minas Gerais, Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro and Rio Grande do Sul.

Over the last 25 years, the organization has reached more than 43 thousand graduates in professional courses in the areas of Administration and Information Technology, within a transversal training agenda that encompasses topics such as socio-emotional development, communication and citizenship.

“The IOS ImPACTOSOCIAL Trophy is a way of recognizing companies for their commitment to social responsibility, by investing in the training and employability of IOS students. In addition to contributing to the diversity and innovation of companies in their business, they also provide a relevant social impact for young people, their families and the community”, concludes Kelly Lopes, superintendent of IOS. 


With a team of more than 1,600 employees, ISA CTEEP operates in 18 States, operating a transmission network through which 30% of all electrical energy transmitted in Brazil and 94% in the State of São Paulo travel. Its electrical system is made up of more than 31 thousand km of circuits (around 28 thousand in operation and 3.4 thousand under construction), including its own and jointly controlled assets, and 137 own substations (129 in operation and eight under construction) with voltage up to 550 kV. Its controlling shareholder is the Colombian company ISA, which holds 35.82% of the total capital.

About IOS

For 25 years, committed to the employability of young people and people with disabilities who have less access to job market opportunities, IOS develops free professional training projects on a variety of topics. “Administration” and “Technology” make up the course schedule, in addition to the behavioral focus. It is among the best NGOs in the world according to TheDotGood ranking and qualified as a Social Assistance Charitable Entity certified by CEBAS, IOS has already trained more than 42 thousand professionals for the Information Technology, Administration, HR and Retail Service sectors. The institution is maintained by private companies such as TOTVS – its founder and main supporter -, Dell, Microsoft and Zendesk. Companies that make donations via Tax Incentive join this group, such as BASF, Brasilprev, BRQ, CTG, IBM, Instituto Center Norte, Mercado Livre, 99 App, Clear Corretora, among others.

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