
The project will travel to 35 cities in the country by the end of the year, and is open to the public.

Huawei Enterprise Brasil, business unit of Huawei, multinational leader in infrastructure for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and smart devices, in partnership with the State University of Ceará and the Iracema Institute, launched, on Thursday afternoon , 10, the Huawei ICT Roadshow, a trailer that presents the company's main ICT solutions and their benefits in broad economic sectors, such as industry, education, retail, health, among others.

The launch took place during the ICT Innovation Day, an event that gathered around 500 executives and partners, at the Capuava Racetrack (SP), for a marathon of activities and lectures on technological advances such as wifi-6 and 7, the Internet of Things (IoT), generative artificial intelligence (AI), cloud computing, and storage and cybersecurity services.

Huawei ICT Roadshow School Truck. Photo: publicity.

Wesley Wang, CEO of Huawei Enterprise Brasil, spoke about the objectives of the ICT Roadshow. “We want to show our solutions to customers, encourage new partnerships and develop new talent in ICT”, he said. “The ICT Roadshow brings knowledge, trends and opportunities to companies, governments and educational institutions throughout the country”, he emphasized.

The truck has stations that demonstrate the application of technologies for digital transformation in sectors such as public administration, education, retail, health, transport, energy, finance and ISPs. “The Huawei ICT Roadshow is also an investment in the development of Brazilian infrastructure” , explained Wang.

ICT talent development

One of the truck's main actions during its journey through Brazil will be the schedule of courses for technology students at universities and institutes partnering with the ICT Academy project. The training will have as main themes: Basic notions of fiber optic technology, Introduction to IoT (Internet of Things), Data communication and wireless networks, Artificial intelligence (AI) and smart vision, Introduction to data storage and Big Data.

“The lack of skilled labor in ICT is one of the main obstacles to transforming Brazil into a truly connected nation,” said Victor Montenegro, Talent and Ecosystem manager at Huawei in Latin America. “With the ICT Roadshow we want to offer opportunities for young professionals from all over the country to be able to train themselves and, thus, find new and better positions in the job market”, he said.

“Fostering the market for 25 years, Huawei, through its ICT Roadshow, aims to combine innovation, experiences and demonstrations on the impacts of technology applications in key industries. Huawei is the engine of digital development and customers' key partner in digital transformation. Through its ICT infrastructure solutions, the company builds an open, collaborative, inclusive and educational ecosystem for the entire society,” concluded Wang.
Huawei ICT Roadshow Schedule in August

  • August 14, Monday, Guarulhos, Federal Institute of Science, Technology and Education of São Paulo
  • August 17th, Thursday, Sorocaba, Facens
  • August 21, Saturday, Campinas, Unicamp
  • August 24, Thursday, São José dos Campos, FATEC SJC

To find out more about the ICT Roadshow, itineraries and course schedule, visit this link.

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