
*Per Cesar Ripari

Market watchers will have heard that data is the new oil. There is no lack of reasons: it is from the information collected in the most diverse environments that companies can create better products and services, optimize service, generate more attractive experiences, etc. However, as the role of data consolidates as a business imperative, more data leaders need access to insights and analytics in real time – something the Business Intelligence (BI) traditional is no longer able to meet, since this approach almost always allows to show only what happened in the past. It is in this world that demands agility that the analytics needs to evolve and offer solutions increasingly focused on real-time decision making, through data integration and analysis.

Data-based decision-making leads us to a model that proposes continuous intelligence in which technology and processes are uninterruptedly worked on so that decisions are immediate, based on updated data in real time. This format, which goes beyond traditional BI, can be used at different levels and areas to create actionable alerts and insights, which can assess issues such as customer experience, fraud detection and production driven by the Internet of Things, among others. applications.

This concept meets the growing demand from organizations that seek a more dynamic and practical model to extract the real potential of information. Estimates indicate that more than 85% of C-Level leaders say that one of their top priorities for the next five years is to make their companies smarter and prepared to take action from analytics (data analysis). This is an urgent need: transforming records into knowledge and practical information for decision-making.

To meet this demand, in addition to gathering and finding the right information at the right time, Augmented Analytics (Augmented Analytics), which use Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to create contexts and automated analytics are a must. In addition, this approach brings as a differential the integration of data of different types and forms, combining current and historical records to create dynamic sets that increase the opportunity to discover useful, unique and surprising insights.

In a practical way, this line creates a multidirectional conduit for the continuous flow of data and information throughout the organization – uniting and automating the control and operation of solutions for data ingestion, integration, transformation, delivery, analytics, collaboration and storytelling that are currently not merged into a traditional BI pipeline. This intelligent and active pipeline of data analysis allows users to view today's information, in an organized and governed form, as soon as it enters the system.

By enabling greater integration and agility, it is possible to close the gaps in traditional business intelligence, creating an immense opportunity to bolster innovation, accelerate value and increase organizations' competitive advantage. Not coincidentally, around 75% of companies that have already adopted this end-to-end data integration and analysis model reported increased operational efficiency and revenues after including these tools.

Another benefit is the training of people. With automated dashboards focused on the business context, the employee data literacy process becomes easier and more intuitive, delivering and showing real value to the data collected in each layer and process. Experts estimate that less than 25% of the world's workforce are comfortable with their abilities to read, work with, analyze and reason with data and analytics. Simplifying this learning and use is a step that can not only represent the immediate gains, with the panels, but also the evolution of the culture data-driven of organizations as a whole.

From this perspective, you can improve the ability of teams to understand the past, act in the present and plan for the future of operations. This potential cannot be overlooked by leaders in all areas – and not just IT. In a world of uncertainties, always in constant transformation, speeding up responses with more information and context is an opportunity to be looked at carefully. The technology is already available. It remains to be seen which companies will come out ahead of competitors taking the first steps in the intelligent use of analytics. Certainly for them the business challenges will be more easily addressed.

*Cesar Ripari, QLIK pre-sales director for Latin America

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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