
Masterclasses for students and provision of IBM technology for student initiatives are some of the benefits of the cooperation

The Institute of Technology and Leadership (Inteli) will collaborate with IBM SkillsBuild to develop projects that support the academic path of students and professors. As part of the initiative, the technology company will offer content, through masterclasses with specialists, from the IBM SkillsBuild program and participation in the development of students' projects, providing tools and mentoring from its specialists, in addition to access to solutions for the technological structure from the institute. 

For Maíra Habimorad, CEO of Inteli, the collaboration reinforces one of the college's teaching pillars, which is to prepare its students for the job market, putting them in contact with large companies from the beginning of the course. “Our project-based teaching methodology was developed to bring the university environment closer to the job market. Our collaboration with IBM Skillsbuild expands the possibility of training our students, by allowing them to have contact with the technologies that support their professional training”, he explains. 

The academic collaboration provides for the availability of materials and content in modules of the courses made available through IBM SkillsBuild for students and professors of the Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, Computer Science and Information Systems courses, in the themes of Cloud, AI and Data , Cybersecurity and Design Thinking, which will be a great support in the projects that will be developed by the students. From an academic point of view, cooperation strengthens professional training, providing students with contact with the technologies of a company that is a reference in the market. Students will also have access to learning trail certifications, intensifying the experience and adding to their education and curriculum. 

In addition to the academic part, Inteli will now rely on IBM technology in strategic areas of the institute with the aim of strengthening its technological structure, starting with cybersecurity solutions and projects under discussion for automating the management of the digital academic collection, governance and IBM Cloud for access management, in addition to artificial intelligence solutions with Watson Assistant focused on virtual secretariat and construction of personalized class schedules to accompany students on their academic journeys. 

“The cooperation with Inteli is one of the initiatives that are part of IBM's global commitment to train 30 million people in new technologies by 2030. We believe that promoting education and supporting the development of new talents and their skills is investing in advances technologies for the needs of the future, supporting the careers of future professionals.”, says Leonardo Dias, COO of IBM Latin America. 

Theory and practice walking hand in hand

Inteli is the first college in Brazil with project-based teaching. Every semester, the institution opens a public call for companies, NGOs and the public sector to register projects with real challenges in their operations, and that have the potential to be solved through the application of technology. 

The managers of the partner organizations follow the progress of the projects for ten weeks in fortnightly meetings with the students, in which technology, business and socio-emotional skills are exercised. 

Divided into groups and with challenges according to their year of study, students are able to apply the knowledge acquired in classes in situations already connected with the needs of large companies in various segments. All of this is done so that the faculty trains professionals who are aware of the needs and difficulties of the market and who are capable of using technology as a solution tool.

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