
*By Leandro Campos

According to data from Embrapa, in the last five decades, milk production in Brazil has grown about seven times, jumping from five to approximately 35 billion liters per year. Along with this, the search for new technologies has intensified in order to support increased productivity, efficiency and sustainability of milk production.

The United Nations (UN) estimates that the world will have 9.7 billion inhabitants in 2050, which will double the amount of animal protein currently consumed, with milk considered an important source of this type of food. Considering the universe of livestock 4.0, especially in the dairy industry, one way to meet this challenge is to adopt technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), so that it is possible to follow, through data, all the expansion and evolution of the sector .

But, to better understand how this solution influences various decision-making processes, it is necessary to know the production flow. It all starts with collecting milk from the tanks located on the farms of the producers. Also in this process, it is possible to gather data such as temperature and quality, production volume and geographic location. In addition, another source of data capture is through the producer or farm employee, who indicate the productivity per animal, the occurrence of diseases and expenses within the property.

With this data, Artificial Intelligence is able to transform them into strategic information for the dairy through reports and dashboards. This management takes place practically in real time and industries can follow the volume information by making comparisons on the expected amount of milk and what was done by region, as well as other points of interest, such as temperature and which suppliers were not collected within the forecast. , which makes it possible to make decisions and avoid low production by the manufacturing units or the accumulation of milk on the properties.

In addition to questions about production itself, Artificial Intelligence is also able to monitor the welfare of animals, making notes such as their temperature and the environment in which they live.

The dairy industries, with each passing day, understand the importance of investing in these solutions, understanding less as a cost and more as an investment. Obtaining assertiveness in decision-making makes it possible to increase efficiency and competitiveness in the industrial area, making it an accessible path for this sector.

Artificial Intelligence comes to perfect the entire milk chain. The processes, when automated, impact the chain by promoting more productive and efficient management to better serve the dairy market, that is, from the producer to the final consumer.

*Leandro Campos is a commercial manager at Engineering, a global Information Technology company and consultancy specializing in Digital Transformation.

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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